Providing security and sustainable development of the Arctic Region, conservation of ecosystems and traditional lifestyles of indigenous peoples of the Arctic

Автор: Yury F. Lukin

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Reviews and reports

Статья в выпуске: 21, 2015 года.

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Review of the conference materials “Safety and Sustainable Development of the Arctic Region, the conservation of ecosystems and traditional lifestyles of indigenous peoples of the Arctic” held within the framework of the 5th International meeting of the Arctic Council member states, observer states and international scientific community on the 15th—16th of September 2015 in the town of Arkhangelsk.

The Arctic region, security, sustainable development, conflict, stability, the environment, indigenous people of the Arctic

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IDR: 148318698   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2221-2698.2015.21.190

Список литературы Providing security and sustainable development of the Arctic Region, conservation of ecosystems and traditional lifestyles of indigenous peoples of the Arctic

  • Patrushev N. Itogi mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Obespechenie bezopasnosti i us-tojchivogo razvitiya Arkticheskogo regiona, sohranenie ekosistem i tradicionnogo obraza zhizni korennogo naseleniya Arktiki». 17.09.2015. URL: news/952.html (Accessed: 21.09.2015).
  • Privetstvie Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii V.V. Putina uchastnikam i gostyam mezhdunarodnoj vstrechi predstavitelej gosudarstv-chlenov Arkticheskogo soveta, strannablyudatelej i zarubezhnoj nauchnoj obshhestvennosti. 16.09.2015. URL: 950.html (Accessed: 21.09.2015).
  • Chicherina N. Pered sistemoj podgotovki kadrov dlya arkticheskogo regiona stoyat sereznye zadachi /Mengazetdinova A. URL: (Accessed: 19.09.2015).
  • Barashkov V., Rykusov V. Kullerud L. Intellekt — resurs budushhego Arktiki. URL: (Accessed: 19.09.2015).
  • Grigorev M.N. Kadrovye resursy dlya neftegazovoj otrasli Arktiki. URL: Encyclopedia_Arctic/5th_meeting.pdf (Accessed: 21.10.2015).
  • M.V. Slipenchuk vystupil na Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii po aktualnym problemam Arktiki v Arkhangelske. URL: (Accessed: 24.09.2015).
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