Psychological component in the general system of elements of ensuring personal safety of employees of internal affairs bodies

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The author of this article examines the importance and role of psychological training of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, necessary to ensure his personal safety when performing service and combat tasks of varying intensity while protecting public order and ensuring public safety in various legal regimes. It is noted that the proper level of her development allows her to develop emotional stability, the ability to understand and anticipate the behavior of other people, including those who have committed crimes and administrative offenses. From the initial assumptions, the author comes to the conclusion that psychological training should be an important part of the training of all law enforcement officers, especially representatives of those units whose activities are associated with an increased level of risk (for example, in conditions of service in the area of a counter - terrorism operation, a special military operation), since it allows the police officer to more competently recognize potentially dangerous situations that can harm his life or health and prevent possible conflicts. It is noted that psychological training of an employee plays a key role in ensuring his personal safety, as it helps to develop the necessary self - regulation skills that contribute to effective protection from threats and dangers.


Personal safety, psychological readiness, police officer, operational and official activity, self - regulation, professional deformation

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