Psychological regulators of burnout athletes of different qualifications

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Relevance. The actual direction of the study of burnout in sports is the establishment of internal and external resources of the individual, allowing to prevent or overcome the development of this phenomenon. Despite the long history of research on burnout in sports, there are aspects that require further study. Namely, the psychological prerequisites and resources for overcoming burnout in athletes of different sexes, qualifications involved in various sports. The purpose of the study was to identify the psychological resources of overcoming burnout in athletes of different qualifications. Research methods: burnout questionnaire, adapted by E.I. Grin, Hall method for diagnosing emotional intelligence, Lazarus coping strategies questionnaire. The study involved 60 athletes, aged 15 to 20 years, engaged in swimming. Results of the study. Highly skilled and mass-category athletes showed symptoms of burnout. Low-skilled athletes have a significantly higher burnout rate of «decreased sense of achievement» compared to high-class athletes. All athletes were found to have low emotional intelligence. There are no significant differences in the level of development of emotional intelligence between athletes. There were no established coping strategies for athletes. Highly qualified athletes are more likely to seek help from the social environment and less eager to get away from solving problems compared to low-skilled athletes. As a result of a correlation study, it was found that highly qualified athletes have more relationships between burnout rates and components of emotional intelligence and coping strategies, unlike athletes of mass categories. Findings. Studies suggest that both high-class and mass-category athletes are prone to burnout, and they have different resources for overcoming burnout. In highly skilled athletes, the role of emotional intelligence and constructive coping strategies in overcoming burnout is significant. In athletes of mass strategies, emotional regulation is not a factor in overcoming burnout. They try to overcome burnout with coping strategies that are not always constructive. The results of the study indicate the importance of psychological resources in preventing burnout in athletes of various qualifications.



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IDR: 142236430   |   DOI: 10.53742/1999-6799/3_2022_78_83

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