Psychological and pedagogical approach in the work on providing personal safety of convicts in the correctional institution

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Introduction. Significant changes in the system of execution of punishments in the Russian Federation are associated with the humanization of relations and the formation of new approaches to the organization of execution of criminal punishments, based on respect for the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of convicts, consistent with international norms and standards. In the penal executive legislation of Russia and materials of the Concept of development of the penal executive system of the Russian Federation, attention is drawn to the reduction of punitive and correctional measures and strengthening of psychological, pedagogical, social and educational measures of influence in the work with convicts in penal institutions. In the overall set of human rights problems of the Russian society a special place is assigned to the issues of personal security. The study of the problem of personal safety of those serving sentence is determined by the importance of the psychological and pedagogical component of the activity of penal institutions in solving the problem of correction and social support of convicts.


Penal executive system, safety, right to personal safety, conditions of personal safety, psychological and pedagogical maintenance, socialization, education

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IDR: 149145670   |   DOI: 10.24412/1999-6241-2024-297-190-197

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