Psychological-pedagogical observation of affective-volitional and cognitive principle of the human: relationship between character and moral

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The author of the article thinks that the regulatory mechanisms of human behavior can be considered as the affective-volitional and cognitive adherence. Following his reflections, author accentuates that the affective and volitional components reveals the personal position in terms of feelings, emotions, the ordered system of relationships, and cognitive, from the viewpoint of systematization of information, the recall and prediction. Longitudinal monitoring of personal development of students from 5th to 11th grade allowed the author to come to the assertion that formed to 10 years in the affective-volitional manifestation is stable. But in the period of self-education it may be extended by means of understanding, cognition and desire.


Character, conventional and post-convectional moral consciousness, motive, sub-conventional

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IDR: 148101019

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