Public governance evaluation method for collective deliberative bodies in touristic municipalities

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This article presents a method to evaluate Public Governance in Collective Deliberative Bodies (CDBs) in touristic municipalities. Despite its multiple interpretations, Touristic Governance consists of many actors, including public management of stakeholders and the institutionalization of CDBs, which requires measuring its degrees of manifestation and operation in tourism. Our approach created an evaluation methodology with the indicators: Cooperation, Coordination, and Collaboration, using CDB governance degrees in touristic cities. Descriptive Statistical Analysis was applied, using the data collected by the actors who participated in these institutions. The presented case study concluded that this proposal involves public and collective issues, shown by Touristic Governance by the Data Collection Instrument (DCI), revealing the constitution and manifestation of Governance in its varying degrees in the tourism context.


Public governance, data collection instrument, collective deliberative institutions, tourism

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IDR: 140295564   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7089326

Список литературы Public governance evaluation method for collective deliberative bodies in touristic municipalities

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