Журналы издательства - Редакција "Право – теорија и пракса"
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Since 2010, together with the publishing house "PRAVO" from Novi Sad, the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad has been publishing the scientific journal "Pravo - teorija i praksa". The journal has already been published for thirty-seven years. During the period from 2011 to 2018, the journal was categorized as the M53 category of academic journals by the Ministry of Education and Science. In 2019, the journal was categorized as a prominent national journal (category M52). In 2020, the journal is recognized as a top journal of national importance (category M51) for the scientific field of Law and Political Science. In 2023, the journal is recognized as a national journal of international significance (Category: M24). By nurturing the exchange of opinions and ideas, the journal aims at promoting positive solutions in the normative, judicial and administrative practice. The journal deals with issues from all areas of law. Its sections are continually enriched by new content: current issues, views and opinions, original articles, new regulations, extracts from foreign law, comments on new regulations, comment on the existing court practice, overviews of monographs from seminars and conferences and conference proceedings. A large number of authors, research associates and renowned experts from all areas of law participate in the creation of the academic journal "Pravo - teorija i praksa". Thanks to its highly relevant and quality content, the journal has gained an envious reputation both in our country and abroad and has become a useful and reliable reference book for everyday legal practice. The academic journal "Pravo - teorija i praksa" is intended for all jurists and judicial bodies, institutions, businesses, private companies and entrepreneurs, as well as all legal entities who wish to stay informed and get introduced to new regulations, as well as court and legal practice. The journal is supposed to promote lawful, efficient and successful procedures in everyday legal practice. The journal is issued in the form of four issues per volume, every three months, and the subscription is 25,000.00 dinars (250 euros for authors from abroad) per manuscript (we are exempt from payment of V.A.T.). - Pravo - Teorija i Praksa - Право – Теорија и Пракса - Law – Theory and Practice