Статьи журнала - Pravo - teorija i praksa
Все статьи: 713

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“Silence of the administration” represents the tool for the regular legal protection of the parties within the administrative procedure, whether the subject is the procedure being initiated by the parties who have a personal interest or due to the ex officio procedure. In both cases, either due to a long lasting procedure or to an untimely decision which is being rendered in relation to the terms envisaged by law from the side of the administration, significant damage is being endured. Moreover, in both cases, the inactivity of the administrative authorities has numerous aftereffects. The Real Estate Registry and Cable Duct Cadaster represent a Public Book which has data on immovable properties and rights regarding the very same necessary for rendering numerous other rights before the other state authorities and judiciary. Data referring to the Real Estate Registry and Cable Duct Cadaster represent the initial base while rendering the rights before the business banks and within the economic field, in general. Thus, cadaster data should be updated regularly, which presupposes both active and timely registration of documents in the Cadaster, whether based on the submitted documents for the purpose of the registration within the Cadaster, the very same documents to be adopted or a negative administrative act to be rendered. However, in practice, one can often encounter that this legal protection instrument of the parties cannot be applied, bearing in mind that non-acting in the administrative procedure which is being held before the Real Estate Registry and Cable Duct Cadaster has not always been caused by a non-compliance with the terms by the side of this administrative authority. Namely, the administrative procedure being held before the Real Estate Registry has its specific characteristics due to which this very Institute of the Administrative Law deserves a greater attention. The existence of the priority norm, i.e. the obligation of acting upon the requests of the order of their reception in the Real Estate Registry and Cable duct Cadaster, leads to the other point of view regarding the acting of the administrative authorities and decision rendering based either on the requests of the parties or based on ex officio within the terms envisaged by the Law.

A conclusion of contracts for the international sale of goods
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The international exchange of goods is done through a contract on the international sale of goods. A conclusion of a contract on the international sale of goods is based primarily on the autonomy of the will of the parties, unless that autonomy of will is limited by the compulsory regulations of the states. All sources of law cited in the paper, such as international conventions, autonomous sources of law and even customs and business ethics, can be changed by the disposition of the will, because they are of a dispositive character. The contracting parties most often agree on the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the so-called Vienna Conventions, except in cases where there are general conditions and standard contracts. The Vienna Convention, which is a compromise of continental, Roman and Anglo-Saxon law, is most often contracted. The offer and its acceptance are necessary for the conclusion of the contract, except for standard and formal contracts. The offer is a final act, and the acceptance of the offer is a statement of the agreement with the offer. The offer must have essential elements of the contract, but it can also have irrelevant elements. By concluding a contract with the application of INCOTERMS clauses, most irrelevant elements of the contract are regulated.

A constitutional disposition of cultural male circumcision as a heritage right
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South Africa’s constitutional framework entrenches a variety of legislative imperatives that protects culture as a right. Sections 30 and 31 of the Constitution, 1996 were specifically enshrined to resonate with the spirit and purport of the need to protect cultural rights. Some statutory enactments such as Children’s Act 38 of 2005 and Limpopo Initiation Schools Act 6 of 2016 are also highly respectful of cultural rights thereby enabling cultural families and communities to subject their children to practice any such cultural activities of their choice, but to the extent that it is practicable. It is argued that while South Africa’s post-1994 constitutional apparatus are fundamentally rights-based orientated and thus require the state and every legal and juristic persons to be bearers of such a responsibility of protecting human rights, the state is correspondingly obligated to protect cultural rights as a constitutional entitlement in order for citizens to enjoy heritage as a right, either as a group or individuals with cultural orientation. Constitutionally speaking, the state is prohibited from engaging in acts that unjustly interferes with free enjoyment of heritage as a right. The article adopted a traditional legal doctrinal methodological approach, which is best suited for interpreting legislative instruments to capture a variety of plausible meanings and implications to a real life legal situation.

A historical – legal review of Hammurabi’s code
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Hammurabi’s code shows the social relations of that time, although most of these relations were regulated by the Law of Contract. The Code covers a variety of legal matters: it regulates very complex property, family, obligatory and criminal-legal relations including the judiciary provisions. The Code expresses the class character of the society, because it primarily protects the interests of the ruling class and punishes the members of the ruling and subordinate classes differently for the same crimes. The Code was carved in a stone pillar and it was found by M. Morgan in 1901. This masterpiece of a human’s thought, almost four millennia old, was engraved in the stone of Babylon (Hammurabi) for the temple of Sippar (now the ruins of Abu Dhabi near Baghdad). An undamaged inscription of the Code is kept in the British Museum.

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This paper examines a legal basis for the state liability for damages for wrongful deprivation of liberty and wrongful conviction. Starting from the general rules of the civil law regarding the state responsibility for damages, the author points to the special character of the rules concerning the state responsibility for damages for wrongful deprivation of liberty and wrongful conviction. While doing it, the author specifically indicates the different theoretical explanations of the state obligations in this respect, as well as the specific legal nature of the institute of the compensation for wrongful deprivation of liberty and wrongful conviction.

A legal basis for operation of security services in Republic of Serbia
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During the past twenty years there was executed a thorough reorganization of the whole security in Republic of Serbia. Many strategic documents and regulations have been adopted, which have, in a transparent way, organized the national security system. Security services, as parts of the system, play a very important role in preserving the vital values of the state and society as a whole. Their role in protection of national interests has been defined through the adoption of certain legal acts. This paper, apart from the historic perspective, analyses the legal acts of a special importance for the reform of the security-intelligence system in Republic of Serbia.

A legal framework of the right to work for men and women
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The right to work does not mean that any woman or man has the right to employment, but it refers to everyone’s opportunity to provide a living for him/herself by freely chosen and accepted work. For this reason, and by its nature, it is positioned between a programme principle, a constitutional legislative decree and subjective law based on the principles concerning the other minority and human rights. These principles reflect a legislative attitude towards the significance of the right to work and human and minority rights in general. Together with general principles, they make up a legal framework in which they are realized and protected.

A legal status of women in prostituton in Serbia through the history
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The approach to the legal regulation of prostitution chosen by the state directly reflects the legal position of women in prostitution. Different approaches in a legal regulation of prostitution had changed in shorter or longer periods of time until the end of the Second World War. After the Second World War, there was introduced the prohibitive approach undergone minor changes throughout the time, but remained unchanged from the perspective of a legal status of women in prostitution. THIS paper analyzes a legal position of women in prostitution in the period from the second half of the 19th century until today. The provisions of legal regulations through which the prostitution was regulated in the previously mentioned period in Serbia, will be analyzed by the normative method. The main goal of this research is to present the history of a legal status of women in prostitution in Serbia. THE results of the research show that, throughout the history, the most present reglementation and prohibitionist approaches have had a negative impact on the legal position of women in prostitution in Serbia. So, it is necessary an abolitionist approach to be introduced in order to improve their overall position.

A police service dog as a means of coercion
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The use of animals in the execution of complex tasks by police officers and military units does not represent any novelty in the operational and legal sense. But, this topic has not been considered enough in professional and scientific circles, for which there should be found some space, especially if we take into account certain “news” in the legislative sense occurred at the international level. The basic hypothesis of this paper refers to the consideration of the issue of the use of a police service dog. Within the previously mentioned discussion, the focus of the work is grouped into two parts, namely the first part relates to the legislative provision of the use of police service dogs in terms of training and use, while the second one refers to their tactical application when performing complex tasks. In particular, it is considered the issue of legislative news and initiatives appeared in the American legislative system. Bearing in mind the increasingly dominant attitude of the world population on the topic of animal protection, there is to be expected that a similar topic will soon be raised in our country too. In this research, in addition to analysis, deduction and comparative scientific methods, the specialization method was also used. At the end of this research, in the concluding remarks, there was presented a review of the most significant parts of the work as well as specific conclusions arising from this overall research. Of course, the authors’ personal views were also included.

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Autorski tekst sadrži prikaz monografije Aleksandra Matkovića Occultism, Crime and Law, Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre and Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies, Novi Sad, 2021 (549 pages)

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In the center of the author's interest there is a sector of small and middle firms as a main pillar of the entrepreneurial sector of the world economy. The role and importance of small and middle firms are getting bigger and bigger on the territory of Vojvodina too. By developing this sector in a proper way, small and middle firms can become a generator of innovations and technical and technological development, of raising a level of competitiveness of the whole economy. Then, they can become an important factor of opening new working places and employment, of attracting direct foreign investments and establishing more uniform regional development. Of course, in making such a business environment, this sector meets numerous and complex problems which demand a careful analysis and adequate reaction.

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Deliberate unaccountability (insanity) is an institute known in legal theory as Actiones liberae in causa. Its significance lies it is an exception to the general rules for determining accountability and guilt. The exception is to regulate the guilt of persons who arbitrarily bring themselves into a state of temporary mental disorder and commit a crime in such a state. The central theme of the paper is the definition and legal regulation of actiones liberae in causa in Serbian criminal law, its demarcation from non-accounting and substantially reduced accounting as well as its application in practice.

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U radu je tretiran problem odgovornosti za actiones liberae in causa. Naime, za postojanje instituta actiones liberae in causa potrebno je da postoje sledeći uslovi: (1) da je učinilac doveo sebe u stanje privremene neuračunljivosti, (2) da je učinilac upotrebom alkohola, droga ili na neki drugi način doveo sebe u stanje privremene neuračunljivosti, odnosno u nemogućnost rasuđivanja i odlučivanja, (3) da je učinilac krivično delo izvršio u stanju u kome nije posedovao mogućnost rasuđivanja i odlučivanja, (4) da postoji uzročni odnos između radnje kojom se učinilac doveo u stanje privremene neuračunljivosti i posledice koju je prouzrokovao. S obzirom da institut actiones liberae in causa predstavlja izuzetak koji se znatno razlikuje od opštih pravila o krivičnoj odgovornosti, isti može postojati samo ako su ispunjeni svi navedeni uslovi. Institut actiones liberae in causa nosi epitet večite aktuelnosti u oblasti krivičnog prava, iz razloga što se bazira ne samo na naučnim dostignućima krivičnog prava, već i medicine, psihijatrije, psihologije, farmacije, toksikologije, a naročito alkohologije. Budući da stoji neprekidan razvoj ovih nauka, postavlja se pitanje da li se uopšte može dati konačno rešenje za institut actiones liberae in causa. Poslednja novina u odnosu na ovaj institut uneta je najnovijim Zakonikom o krivičnom postupku, a odnosi se na to da se krivica kod skrivljene neuračunljivosti utvrđuje prema vremenu neposredno pre dovođenja u takvo stanje. Institut actiones liberae in causa se ne primenjuje u slučaju bitno smanjene uračunljivosti, niti se učinilac zbog toga može blaže kazniti. Nema instituta actiones liberae in causa ni ako je učinilac sebe doveo u stanje neuračunljivosti pod dejstvom prinude, zablude ili usled nastupanja patološkog pijanstva. Postoje tri vrste actiones liberae in causa: namerna, umišljajna i nehatna. Naše zakonodavstvo ne poznaje namernu, već samo umišljajnu i nehatnu. Za delo izvršeno u stanju umišljajne skrivljene neuračunljivostu kažnjava se uvek, a za nehatnu kad zakon izričito predviđa i to opštim propisima o odgovornosti.

Administrative reform and the agency model of public administration
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Administrative reform in various countries is conditioned by various social, political, and economic factors. In this regard, we cannot talk about the same reasons for reform for every country. However, what is common to all cases is the crisis of state governance and the need to transform the existing system, reduce state interventionism, and increase efficiency and productivity. The terms “efficiency” and “productivity”, in the context of the state and its administrative system, take on a different quality and somewhat altered meaning compared to their usual context, as they are shaped by their connection to the public interest. The reforms implemented in the former socialist countries, however, have a different background. They are partly the result of aspirations for rapid economic progress and partly the outcome of mandatory changes required by the European Union. Without deciding which of these reasons prevail, the author will discuss the reasons that brought about the need for new models of public administration. These models aim to overcome the crisis of state governance, focusing particularly on the agency model of public administration, which, as a trend, has been widely adopted in many countries. This model of public administration has also been extensively applied in the case of administrative reform in the Republic of Serbia. Considering their role and prevalence, it can be said that this represents a unique model of public administration reform.This model of public administration has been commonly applied in the case of administrative reform in the Republic of Serbia. Considering their role and number, we can say that it is an authentic model of public administration reform.

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The authors consider the strategic directions of the development of higher education in Republic of Serbia, especially in the light of legislative news regulating dual education at higher education institutions. In this context, they have paid a special attention to the analysis of legal acts and by-laws important for the development of the professional identity of engineers educated under the dual model of education. They have also perceived the number and structure of accredited study programs at higher education institutions in our country, which represent significant indicators of the direction of the development of the domestic economy mapped through the interest of employers for the engineers educated according to the dual model. So, we can conclude that there is an obvious influence of the fourth industrial revolution and the information age on all aspects of the society. Starting from all those changes that are happening and will happen, the Government of Republic of Serbia adopted the Education Strategy for the period from 2021 to 2030, in which there are given the vision, goals, and principles of education in the future. Talking about the dual model of higher education, the most important act is the Law on the Dual Model of Studies in Higher Education being in the focus of the authors in this research.

Agencification of public administration in the transition process
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The democratization of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has also included the reform of inefficient public administration. At the same time, these reforms have been accompanied by the aspiration for a membership in the European Union. The administration has been transformed according to a number of principles that make up the framework of the European administrative area. Along with these processes, there were established public agencies, a body taken over from the developed countries, and created during the reform of the New Public Management. The countries in transition have gone through an extensive and rapid process of agency. Due to a high level of autonomy after the formation of agencies, i.e., after certain tasks have been transferred to their competence, it is difficult to effectively control their work. The public interest is threatened by the non –transparency of these bodies. Their existence also affects the basic principles of the European administrative space and turns the reform against itself. It is certain that the mass establishment of a new body in the system of public administration brings uncertainty in terms of effects. It has turned out that foreign experts, without knowledge of the administrative tradition of the socialist countries, as well as domestic politicians who wanted accelerated reform, also contributed to that.

Agenda ljudske bezbjednosti - idejna osnova i razvoj u okviru kanadske spoljne politike
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U skladu sa osnovama liberalnog internacionalizma politička moralna zajednica se može proširiti preko granica nacionalne države. Prisustvo moralne dimenzije je inherentno spoljnoj politici, pa tako i spoljnopolitičkoj agendi ljudske bezbjednosti. Pojam ljudske bezbjednosti uzima pojedinca i društvo u kome živi za referentni okvir za razliku od klasičnog pojma nacionalne bezbjednosti, čiji je referentni okvir država i njena teritorija. To je manje teorijski zasnovan pristup, a više politička praksa. U kanadskoj agendi ljudske bezbjednosti, koja je utemeljena u tradiciji kanadske spoljne politike, inkorporirane su ključne vrijednosti kanadskog društva, sa ciljem njihove projekcije na međunarodnu politiku. Ona je usmjerena je na sprečavanje i prevenciju nasilnih konflikata i tranziciju ka demokratiji i zasnovana na postulatima liberalne demokratije, u skladu sa političkom filozofijom liberalnog internacionalizma. Iako je kanadski pristup ljudskoj bezbjednosti afirmisan u međunarodnoj politici, učinci ove agende u praksi ne korespondiraju u potpunosti sa projektovanim ciljevima.

Akcije kao nenovčani osnivački ulog privrednog društva
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Pisac ovog rada, kako se to da već zaključiti, ima veoma kritičan odnos prema Agenciji za privredne registre RS. Skoro ni u jednom segmentu rada nije zadovoljan Agencijom i smatra da je sud ove poslove mnogo bolje i brže rešavao. Medijska kampanja koja je organizovana i uspešno sprovedena, a u vezi sa sporošću rada sudova i neažurnošću, sada u potpunosti pada u vodu kad se vidi koliko je Agenciji potrebno vremena za rešavanje nekih stvari. Ovakvo stanje je u potpunosti neodrživo i smatram da bi Ministarstvo privrede moralo što hitnije da reaguje i preduzme neke mere za rešenje celokupne situacije. Ipak ne sme se zanemariti i ne primetiti, dobra volja i dobre namere koje svi zaposleni u Agenciji pokazuju ali to je ipak premalo za rešavanje konkretnih stvari i problema. Stava sam da će vreme pokazati ko je bio u pravu prilikom osnivanja Agencije kao i koliki su stvarni efekti rada i poslovanja Agencije. Što se konkretnog problema tiče, kome sam ovde posvetio određen prostor, mišljenja sam da se može posmatrati sa dve različite strane. _ Prva strana je ona praktična i tumačenjem striktno vezana za zakon. Dakle prema ovom gledištu ne postoje nikakve zakonske granice i prepreke za osnivanje doo u kojima je osnivački kapital akcija. Ovo izričito predviđa ZPD i Agencija u potpunosti postupa i primenjuje Zakon kod osnivanja doo sa specifičnim osnivačkim kapitalom - akcijom. U ovoj situaciji osnivači ne krše nijedan pozitivan zakonski propis. Kao što znamo vlasnici akcija su u potpunosti slobodni da raspolažu svojim akcijama - tačnije svojom imovinom. Način na koji će njima upravljati u potpunoj je slobodi samih vlasnika, što između ostalog i sam Ustav predviđa. Odluka vlasnika akcija da svoje akcije ulože u doo na ime nenovčanog osnivačkog kapitala je potpuno legitimna i legalna. Osnivanjem doo osnivači stiču udele u doo prema visini uloženih akcija i prema udelu koji imaju u društvu, učestvuju u upravljanju i rukovođenju društvom. Ovakvim postupanjem, vlasnici akcija po ovom gledištu ne gube akcije. Menja se jedino oblik crpljenja korpusa prava i obaveza iz njih, dok sve ostalo ostaje isto. Nakon ulaganja akcija u doo vlasnici akcija više ih ne mogu konkretno ulagati u drugi doo, ne mogu ih prodavati kao akcije, ne mogu opterećivati i sl. Međutim, suštinska prava im se ne uskraćuju.Mogu kao osnivači jednog doo, kroz doo biti osnivači i većeg broja drugih privrednih društava. Dalje, mogu da prodaju svoj udeo u doo i tako u suštini da otuđe kroz prodaju svog udela akcije koje poseduju. Udeo u doo se u skladu sa novim ZPD može opterećivati i zalagati, tako da vlasnicima akcija i ovo pravo nije uskraćeno. Zaključak je, da ukoliko prihvatimo ovo gledište onda je potpuno dozvoljeno i zakonito utemeljeno unositi akcije kao osnivački kapital u doo. Ovo nije protivno zakonu. Naprotiv, vlasnici akcija čak suštinski ništa ne gube, jer ostvaruju sva prava kao i da imaju akcije, samo na malo drugačiji način. Negodovanje Komisije za HOV kao i drugih nadležnih institucija koje se bave tržištem hartija od vrednosti, u vezi sa ovim problemom, prema ovom mišljenju nije uopšte pozitivno- pravno utemeljeno, te na njega ne treba obraćati posebnu pažnju. Mišljenja i stavovi Komisije za HOV nisu pravno obavezujući i nisu izvor prava, te predstavljaju samo razmišljanje i tumačenje izvesnih zakonskih odredbi jedne grupe ljudi. _ Druga strana gledišta je u potpunosti oprečna gore navedenom. Dakle, sve što je napred navedeno, ali samo u obrnutom smislu, ukoliko ovako gledamo na ovaj problem vlasnici akcija su oštećeni. Ulaganjem akcija u doo njihovi sopstvenici suštinski gube akcije. Istina je da oni mogu da ostvare određena prava iz akcija, ali postavlja se pitanje na koji na- čin i kako. Nije isto da li se akcija prodaje na berzi ili kao udeo doo. Isto tako, nije isto da li se zalaže samo akcija ili udeo u doo. Dakle, vlasnici akcija su oštećeni i gube veliki broj prava koji imaju kao njihovi sopstvenici. Ovo stanovište nije u potpunosti utemeljeno na zakonodavnoj regulativi, ali ako se izvrši dublja analiza smisla i suštine zakonskih propisa koji regulišu hartije od vrednosti i uopšte ovu pravnu oblast, nedvosmisleno se izvodi zaključak da se grubo krše pravila trgovanja hartijama od vrednosti. Po ovom mišljenju trgovanje hartijama od vrednosti - akcijama van berze kao organizovanog tržišta za trgovanje hartijama od vrednosti - nedozvoljeno je i samim tim izričito u suprotnosti sa pozitivnim zakonima. Ovakvo postupanje proizvodi takve posledice da se dovodi u pitanje smisao postojanja organizovanog tržišta hartija od vrednosti i institucije berze kao mesta gde se vrši promet hartija od vrednosti. Vlasnici akcija na ovakav način gube akcije, odnosno više nisu sopstvenici akcija.

Akcionarsko pravo u Srbiji - nekad i sad (na primeru rudnika bakra i zlata Bor i Majdanpek)
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Opravdano smatram da sam iznetim referatom potvrdio obrazloženje predloga teme 'Srpsko pravo - nekad i sad' da ideja o pravnoj izgradnji, kao temelju moderne Srbije, traje gotovo 200 godina. Prateći tu ideju pokušao sam da oživim brojne propise kojima su regulisana određena pitanja, kako su isti ugrađeni u pravne akte koje sam predočio u referatu, koji su upravo dragoceni za analizu njihove razumljivosti, jezika i stila, prilagođenosti potrebama i zahtevima vremena naglašavajući rešenja koja su možda i bolja od nekih postojećih. Realizacijom zamišljene ideje u referatu smatram da sam uspešno dokazao da je srpska pravna misao imala svoje uzlete, da je srpsko pravo imalo svoje bisere, da je postojalo i da će postojati, te da je neophodno da se i danas oslobodimo osećaja da je jedini izlaz za naše pravo u kopiranju i prihvatanju onoga što je neko već propisao. Prezentirani pravni akti, ugovori i statuti će, svakako, moći korisno da posluže, naročito, mlađim generacijama pravnika da se sa istima bliže upoznaju, da ih detaljno prouče, da njihove odredbe uporede sa važećim propisima iz oblasti akcionarstva, što će sve pomoći, pojedinim od njih da, de lege ferenda, svojim radovima doprinesu daljem i uspešnijem razvoju pravne nauke u Srbiji. Iz rečenog, uzimajući u obzir i navedeni moto, bi proizilazilo da su akcionarska društva u Srbiji tek sada nastala, u poslednjih dvadesetak godina, što znači da je to njihov početak. Kao da ista nisu postojala skoro 100 godina u periodu 1850-1945. i to u vrlo razvijenom obliku koji je bio dostignut na evropskom nivou toga vremena.

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U radu je ukratko izložen problem koja lica imaju aktivnu, a koja pasivnu legitimaciju u sudskom postupku kada je trećem oštećenom licu prouzrokovana šteta od strane dva i više motornih vozila. Danas postoji bezbroj primera saobraćajnih nezgoda u kojim učestvuju dva ili više motornih vozila. U takvim saobraćajnim nezgodama prouzrokuje se nematerijalna i materijalna šteta trećim licima, pa se postavlja pitanje: koja lica imaju pravo na naknadu nematerijalne i materijalne štete i od koga imaju pravo da traže naknadu štete. Oštećena lica najčešće podnose tužbu protiv osiguravajuće organizacije i odgovornog lica. U toku sudskog postupka često tužilac podnosi podneske kojim vrši objektivno i subjektivno preinačenje tužbe. U ovom radu smo ukazali na različite stavove sudske prakse povodom objektivnog i subjektivnog preinačenja tužbe. Takođe smo u radu dali odgovor na pitanje: da li su tuženi osiguravajuća organizacija i odgovorno lice jedinstveni suparničari ili se radi o običnim suparničarima? U radu smo predložili izmenu člana 201 Zakona o obligacionim odnosima i člana 201 Zakona o parničnom postupku. Na ovaj način bismo izbegli donošenje različitih presuda po istom pitanju.