Putin’s breakthrough in Arctic

Автор: Lukin Y.F.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Geopolitics

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2012 года.

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Ecology, Economy, Security of Russian Arctic − are the strategic and important steps in 2012. It is the beginning of the general cleaning of the Arctic. The Arctic shelf of Russia, Prirazlomnoye. ‛NK ‛Rosneft’: policy towards the strategic partnership with ExxonMobil, Eni and Statoil. To be strong – is the guarantee of the national security.

Arctic, ecology, policy, Putin, shelf, modernization

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148320402

IDR: 148320402

Список литературы Putin’s breakthrough in Arctic

  • Prime Minister visited the archipelago of Franz Josef Land. Vladimir Putin proposed a general cleaning in the Arctic, to clear it from the rubbish. URL: http://www.ntv.ru/novosti/191877/ # ixzz22VGLrRJU (date of access: 03/08/2012).
  • Vladimir Putin addressed to the participants of the ecological expedition to the archipelago of Franz Josef Land. URL: http://президент.рф/новости/16082 (date of access: 26.08.2012).
  • Putin's speech at the forum in September 22, 2011. URL: http://premier.gov.ru / events / news / D cdj \ v dscnegktyb yf ajhevt16536 / (date of access: 04.08.2012).
  • Vladimir Putin opening speech at the meeting "On the implementation of the state program of armaments in the part of the equipment of the Navy." URL http://президент.рф/выступления/16086 (date accessed: 08.10.2012).
  • Vladimir Putin speech at an enlarged meeting of the Security Council 31 August 2012. URL: http:// prezident. rf / speeches / 16328 (date of access: 05/08/2012).
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