Geopolitics. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (23): Geopolitics
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About the continuity of the northern concept of M.V. Lomonosov in selecting of geopolitical model to protect the economic interests of Russia in the Arctic

About the continuity of the northern concept of M.V. Lomonosov in selecting of geopolitical model to protect the economic interests of Russia in the Arctic

Zalyvskiy Nikolai

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In this article Lomonosov is considered to be the founder of Northern Regional Studies, the person who determined the place and the role of the Arctic as the strategic factor of Russia’s development. The author proves practicality of a transition towards the principles of Russia’s geopolitical behavior ensuring protection of the country’s long-term economic interests in this region. Such approach is an expression of the continuity of the first Russian Academician’s ideas concerning the Arctic.


Arctic strategy of the subarctic states: general and especial

Arctic strategy of the subarctic states: general and especial

Komleva Natalia

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There are considering in comparison the arctic strategies of the main arctic states: Russia, USA, Canada, Norway, Denmark. The author stresses the high level of Russian arctic strategy working out and the soft power using in the north strategy of Norway.


Cyber-­terrorism as a threat to national security in the Arctic region

Cyber-­terrorism as a threat to national security in the Arctic region

Bidnaya K.V.

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This article represents the first expe-­‐ rience in the research of possibilities and prob-­‐ abilities of cyber attacks in the Arctic region, namely the defeat and withdrawal from the ABM system, and computer control systems of drilling rigs, which can harm both national secu-­‐ rity and ecological state of the Arctic. Addition-­‐ ally, this article highlights the question of the possible impact of acts of cyberterrorism on the development of the Arctic sector of Russia, in other words, there are studied International.


Eastern vector of politics in Russia: potential and problems of the realization

Eastern vector of politics in Russia: potential and problems of the realization

Ermolaev T.S.

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The article discusses the need for transition from an extensive to an intensive strategy of modernization processes in the Far Eastern regions as the key to their success. The ‘new’ industrialization of Yakutia should focus on energy saving technologies, the use of local labor resources and improving the quality of human life.


Energy of the North to the Synergetic of Russia

Energy of the North to the Synergetic of Russia

Shybin S.I.

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The history of the administrative-territorial division of the European North of Russia suggests that only a consolidated region, which is united by common interests province, territory, economic region, it can play a role of a springboard development of Arctic areas. A new model of territorial organization, able to convert energy of the North to synergetic of Russia, reflects the author of the article.


Integration of marine activities in the Arctic

Integration of marine activities in the Arctic

Maskulov E.

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Questions of integration of sea activity in Arctic regions, its increasing geopolitical importance in the conditions of globalisation, the status of Northern sea way are considered. Creation of «soft» corporate structures, such as consortia or noncommercial partnership, «the Sea forum» to Norway, the Netherlands Sea Community allows to solve effectively problems of coordination of economic activities, protection and lobbying of interests of its participants. There is actual a military-economic integration into Arctic regions, maintenance of national safety.


Military-defense calls for Russia: geography and the historical outlook

Military-defense calls for Russia: geography and the historical outlook

Moskalenko Maxim

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This article analyzes the impact of geopolitical and geostrategic factors on military defense potential of Russia. We consider the situation in Russia as a «continental» power; we investigate the socio-cultural peculiarities of Russian modernization and contemporary challenges and problems facing the Russian civilization.


Military-political situation in Arctic regions and the scenario of possible conflicts

Military-political situation in Arctic regions and the scenario of possible conflicts

Khramchikhin Alexander

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A state of five subarctic countries (Canada, Norway, Denmark, the USA, Russia) armed forces and possible scenarios of military conflicts in Arctic region are considered. The conclusion that the possibility of the military conflict in the Arctic region is very low in the foreseeable future.


Norwegian-Russian Arctic frontier: from the whole districts to the Pomor region

Norwegian-Russian Arctic frontier: from the whole districts to the Pomor region

Zaikov К.S., Nilsen I.P.

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In the present article the authors analyse the history of the Norwegian-Russian state border. Three main periods are pointed out. In the middle ages and Early Modern Period there existed a large frontier or common taxation district. Thence the common district gradually shrank until in 1826 a permanent territorial border was drawn. In the Soviet epoch the border became almost hermetically closed. To-day it is again opening up and politicians and researchers on both sides are discussing the possibility of establishing a joint Special Economic Zone (SEZ), a new and modern form of “common district”.


Putin’s breakthrough in Arctic

Putin’s breakthrough in Arctic

Lukin Y.F.

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Ecology, Economy, Security of Russian Arctic − are the strategic and important steps in 2012. It is the beginning of the general cleaning of the Arctic. The Arctic shelf of Russia, Prirazlomnoye. ‛NK ‛Rosneft’: policy towards the strategic partnership with ExxonMobil, Eni and Statoil. To be strong – is the guarantee of the national security.


Russia remains on Shpitsbergen

Russia remains on Shpitsbergen

Portsel A.K.

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The article considers the perspectives of the expanding of the national social-economic activities on the archipelago by the decisions of the government committee on the Russian presence on Shpitsbergen (December 2011).


Russian-Norwegian agreement about the division of the Arctic space

Russian-Norwegian agreement about the division of the Arctic space

Poval L.M.

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The article reveals a complex, time-consuming process of normalization of relations between Russia and Norway on the delimitation of the Arctic spaces. Particular attention is paid to the legal analysis of the provisions of the International Treaty of Paris of Svalbard and the agreement signed between Russia and Norway concerning the delimitation of maritime areas in 2010.


Stockman can't be frozen

Stockman can't be frozen

Lukin Y.F.

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It is analyzed the situation of the development of the Stockman field in the Arctic region, which is happened in 2012.


The Problem of design and implementation of the development of strategy of the Russian Arctic in terms of theory of I. Adizes

The Problem of design and implementation of the development of strategy of the Russian Arctic in terms of theory of I. Adizes

Konov Alexander

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In the article is analyzed the Problem of Design and Implementation of the development of Strategy of the Russian Arctic in terms of management of changes theory of I. Adizes. There are formulated the recommendations to establish an effective system developing and implementing the strategy to solve the problem.


The Russian region policy in the Arctic in the XX−ХХI centuries: problems of strategic continuity

The Russian region policy in the Arctic in the XX−ХХI centuries: problems of strategic continuity

Timoshenko A.

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The report considers problems of continuity in the Russian state’s policy towards the Arctic region and the Northern Sea Route. Traced the main strategic directions of the state interests in the northern territories in the twentieth century and expansion them to XXI century, associated with the preservation of the Russian Federation the status of a major Arctic power. In the regional Arctic policy is permanent, regardless of changing political regimes.


The conceptual approaches to definition of internal borders and development of the Russian Arctic in the changing world

The conceptual approaches to definition of internal borders and development of the Russian Arctic in the changing world

Lukin Y.F.

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The trends of the modern geopolitical situation in the Arctic and the problems of the development of the Russian Arctic zone.


The contract between Russia and Norway − a step to peaceful repartition of Arctic sea space

The contract between Russia and Norway − a step to peaceful repartition of Arctic sea space

Lukin Yury

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This article deals with the Contract between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway about differentiation of sea areas and cooperation in the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean. After adoption of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982, the Ilulissat Declaration of 2008 contract ratification between Russia and Norway in 2011 becomes the most important step to peace repartition of Arctic sea space. At the continuing global war for resources of Arctic regions momentous event has occurred, which will undoubtedly become a model and example for the Arctic countries. The shorthand report of session of the State Duma are published, the various points of view on an investigated subject are reflected and investigated. In the annex to the article the official text of the contract and other materials.


The legal aspects of the development of the Northern sea route and North-­Western passage, like a new Arctic marine transportation system

The legal aspects of the development of the Northern sea route and North-­Western passage, like a new Arctic marine transportation system

Zhilina I.S.

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The article is devoted to the legal regime for the international navigation on the waters of the Northern sea route and North-­Western passage and sovereignty in the territorial waters. Particular attention is given to the foreign policy aspects of the development of the transport route of the Arctic and its economic potential.


The mission of Russia − is to be an example of building the world power with the optimal social – cultural model of the development of the nations

The mission of Russia − is to be an example of building the world power with the optimal social – cultural model of the development of the nations

Zalivsky N.P.

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The article defines the futurological capabilities of Russia to the world’s leadership in the social modernization of the society. As hypotheses for the strengthen of the Russian's geopolitical situation in the long-term historical process is named, as the stimulation process of the unitarization of the government, evolutionary modernization of the national and ethnic portrait of the Russian society and the formation of the associated sozium with the culture of the union historical existence. The author emphasizes that the international leadership of Russia in the social development of mankind is based on the leading social policy of the country, its peoples (ethnic groups) and the Russian society.


The state policy of the modern Russia in the Arctic: periods, priorities and several results

The state policy of the modern Russia in the Arctic: periods, priorities and several results

Tamizky A.M.

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The article analyzes the public policy of modern Russia in the Arctic region, it is an attempt to periodization, presentation characteristics of each stage, priorities, and summed up the results.

