Working with foreign language text as a component of independent training in a non-linguistic higher education institution

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The article deals with the peculiarities of foreign language teaching, consisting in the ability to organize independent work of cadets, in the course of which the difficulties of working with foreign texts become obvious. Modern requirements for a specialist entering international communication dictate the need to develop and improve all components of this competence, which entails the need for the teacher to rethink the foreign language planning and conducting classes in order to optimize the educational process in non-linguistic institutions of higher education. Conclusion: brevity and especially literacy of the speech is necessary in the modern world. Therefore from the first school days of the cadets mastering a foreign language in not language higher education institution it is necessary to train in all ways of the compressed statement of foreign publications, and only teachers who own the methodical receptions corresponding to performance of this task will help to help with it.


Communicative competence, work with text, vocabulary, level of mastery

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IDR: 148102506

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