Working with terms as a link of professionally- oriented teaching

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The article deals with the role of competence approach in teaching students of technical universities professional Russian language, which prepares students to solve theoretical and practical problems. The majority of used terms are borrowed words from other languages, for this reason the author identifies several stages of understanding and using textual information to select terms with their subsequent use. The author considers methods of introducing technical terminology that can contribute to the acquisition of professional competence. The author proves that the norms of terminology selection play a decisive role in the direction of terminology learning, draws the attention of his reader to the performance of various tasks that can help in the study of borrowed words. To such tasks, the author includes interpretation of the term, selection of synonyms and antonyms, translation of the term into Tajik and vice versa, compilation of word combinations, sentences, texts, etc. The author argues that mastering terminology is the most important part of the learning process of studying professional Russian in higher education will help not only in improving the skills of expressive Russian speech, but also, forming terminological experience, increases the level of linguistic preparedness of the future specialist.


Competence-based approach, professional russian, terminological vocabulary, original texts, training exercises

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IDR: 170205741   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-2-99-104

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