Rational use of high power saturated wheeled tractors in soil cultivation technologies

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The results of experimental studies of efficiency of soil cultivation using units of different technologi-cal appointment when ballasting a wheel tractor of improved classical configuration of NX T8.390 on unary and dual wheels are presented. Comparative estimates of pure productivity and specific fuel ex-penses of soil-cultivating units and also losses of power on movement and slipping defining them, in the range of working speeds from 2.0 to 3.5 m/s are the basis at minimum and maximum (with a ballast of 3.5 t) values of operational mass of the tractor of a different complete set for the operations of soil cultivation of the third and first groups differing in power consumption. By the results of tests the in-fluence of complete set, ballasting and loading of the engine of the tractor on the formation of indica-tors of efficiency of specified units was defined. The maximum ballasting of the tractor increases effi-ciency of its use on power-intensive operations of soil cultivation of the first (dump plowing) and the second (deep without mould-board processing) groups in the range of working speeds from 2.0 to 3.0 m/s irrespective of complete set and extent of loading. On operations of soil cultivation of the third group with smaller power consumption from 3.00 to 3.60 m/with ballasting of the tractor brings in the range of working speeds, depending on its com-plete set, to decline in production to 3.12 % at addi-tional costs of fuel of movement of each ton of bal-last from 0.391 to 0.654 kg/h. The use of the tractor of basic complete set without ballasting at working speed over 3.0 m/s and rational placement of re-movable ballast with specific weight of 13- 15 kg/kW in the range of working speeds from 2.0 to 3.0 m/s is recommended at optimum loading of engine.


Adaptation, unit, ballasting, tractor complete set, efficiency indicators

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084876

IDR: 14084876

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