Раннеголоценовые изменения природной среды и инициальное заселение фенноскандии
Автор: Кошелева Елена Альбертовна, Субетто Дмитрий Александрович
Журнал: Общество. Среда. Развитие (Terra Humana) @terra-humana
Рубрика: Природная среда
Статья в выпуске: 4 (21), 2011 года.
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Рассмотрены раннеголоценовые изменения природной среды на территории Фенноскандии: дегляция ледника, изменения климата и ландшафтов. Изостатическое восстановление земной поверхности, освобожденной ото льда, распад перигляциальной гиперзоны вызвали адаптивные реакции в форме максимального расширения зоны обитания и развития альтернативных стратегий жизнеобеспечения человека. Cделан вывод о двух этапах инициального заселения территории исследования на основе данных радиоуглеродного анализа мезолитических стоянок.
Инициальное заселение, ледниковый покров, первобытный человек, ранний голоцен, фенноскандия
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14042656
IDR: 14042656
Список литературы Раннеголоценовые изменения природной среды и инициальное заселение фенноскандии
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- Anundsen K. The Physical Conditions for Earliest Settlement during the Last Deglaciation in Norway // Larsson L. The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with ighbouring areas // Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series in 8». - 1996, № 24. - P. 207-217.
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- Hernberg G., Bohlin E., Hellberg E., Bergman I., Zackrisson O., Olofsson A., Pеsse T. (submitted). Effects of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers on local vegetation in a non-uniform glacioisostatic land uplift area, northern Sweden//Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. Vol. 15. -2006, № 1. -Р. 13-26.
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- Matiskainen H. Discrepances in Deglaciation Chronology and the Appearance of Man in Finland // The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its Relationship with Neighbouring Areas / Ed. L. Larsson // Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Series in. 8". - 1996, № 24. - P. 251-262.
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- Pesonen P. Sarvingin salaisuus -Enon Rahakankaan varhaismesoliittinen ajoitus//Muinaistutkija. -2005, № 2. -P. 2-13.
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- Ramsay W. Om ett sannolikt fund of kambrisk lera i Viborgs lдn//Fennia. -1902, № 3.
- Rankama T. The Colonisation of Northernmost Finnish Lapland and the Inland Areas of Finnmark//Mesolithic on the Move. -Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2003. -Р. 37-46.
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- Schanchc K. Boplasser og strandlinjeforskyving i Ceavccageadge/Mortensnes i Varanger//Ottar. -1996, № 4. -Р. 34-37.
- Shumkin V.Y. On the Ethnogenesis of the Sami: An Archaeological View//Acta Borealia. -1990, № 2. -P. 3-20.
- Svendsen J.I. Alexanderson H., Astakhov V.I., Demidov I, Dowdeswell J.A., Funder S., Gataullin V. et al. Late Quaternary ice sheet history of northern Eurasia//Quaternary Science Reviews. -2004, № 23. -P. 1229-1271.
- Takala H. The Ristola Site in Lahti and the Earliest Postglacial Settlement of South Finland. -Jyvaskyla, 2004.
- Thommessen T. The Early Settlement of Northern Norway // The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with neighbouring areas / Ed. L. Larsson // Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Series in 8''. - 1996, № 24. - 235-240.
- Zvelbel M. Innovating hunter-gatherers: the Mesolithic of the Baltic//Mesolithic Europe/Eds. G. Bailey, P. Spikins. -Cambridge University, 2008. -P. 18-59.
- Шахнович М.М. Мезолитическое поселение Киркколахти 1 в Северном Приладожье//Своеобразие и особенности адаптации культур лесной зоны Северной Евразии в финальном плейстоцене -раннем голоцене. -М., 2007. -С.163-181.
- Anundsen K. The Physical Conditions for Earliest Settlement during the Last Deglaciation in Norway // Larsson L. The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with ighbouring areas // Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series in 8». - 1996, № 24. - P. 207-217.
- Bang-Anderson S. Southwest Norway at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition: Landscape development, colonization, site types, settlement patterns//Norwegian Archaeological Review. -2003, № 36(1). -P. 5-25.
- Bergman I., Цstlund L., Zackrisson O. The use of plants as regular food in ancient subarctic economies: A case study based on Sami use of Scots pine inner bark//Arctic Anthropology. -2004, № 41(1). -P. 1-13.
- Bjerck H.B. The North Sea Continent and the pioneer settlement of Norway//Man and Sea in the Mesolithic: Coastal Settlement Above and Below Present Sea Level. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Kalundborg, Denmark 1993, Oxbow Monograph 53, Oxbow/Ed. A. Fischer. -Oxford, 1995. -Р. 131-144.
- Bjerck H.B. Nordsjшfastlandet og pionerbosetningen i Norge//Viking LVII. -1994. -P. 25-58.
- Bjerck S., Berglund B.E., Digerfeldt G. New aspects on the deglaciation chronology of South Sweden//Geographia Polonia. -1988, № 55. Р. 37-49.
- Carpclan C. On the Postglacial Colonisation of Eastern Fennoscandia//Dig it All. Papers Dedicated to Ari Siiridinen. The Finnish Antiquarian Society and The Archaeological Society of Finland/Ed. M. Huurre. -Helsinki, 1999. -Р. 151-171.
- Gurina N.N. Oleneostrovskij mogilnik. Materials in issledovania po arkheologii SSRR -Moskva-Leningrad: Akademia Nauk, 1956.
- Harrison S.P., Yu G., Tarasov P.E. Late Quaternary lake-level record from northern Eurasia//Quaternary Research. -1996, V. 45. -P. 138-159.
- Hauglid M.A. Mellom Fosna og Komsa. En preboreal «avslagsredskapskultur» i Salten//Nordland. MA thesis in archaeology. -University of Tromso, 1993.
- Hernberg G., Bohlin E., Hellberg E., Bergman I., Zackrisson O., Olofsson A., Pеsse T. (submitted). Effects of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers on local vegetation in a non-uniform glacioisostatic land uplift area, northern Sweden//Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. Vol. 15. -2006, № 1. -Р. 13-26.
- Jussila T., Kriiska A., Rostedt T. The Mesolithic settlement in NE Savo, Finland. And the earliest settlement in the eastern Baltic sea//Acta Archaeologica. -2007, № 78 (2). -P. 143-162.
- Larsson L. The colonization of South Sweden during the deglaciation // The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its Relationship with Neighbouring Areas / Ed. L. Larsson // Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. - 1996, № 24. - P.141-155.
- Matiskainen H. Discrepances in Deglaciation Chronology and the Appearance of Man in Finland // The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its Relationship with Neighbouring Areas / Ed. L. Larsson // Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Series in. 8". - 1996, № 24. - P. 251-262.
- Oshibkina S. V. The Material Culture of the Veretye type Site in the Region to the east of the lake Onega//Bonsall C. The Mesolitic in Europe. -Edinburgh, 1989.
- Pesonen P. Sarvingin salaisuus -Enon Rahakankaan varhaismesoliittinen ajoitus//Muinaistutkija. -2005, № 2. -P. 2-13.
- Price T.D., Jacobs K. Olenii Ostrov: First Radiocarbon Dates from a major Mesolithic Cemetery in Karelia, USSR//Antiquity. Vol.64. -1990, № 245.
- Ramsay W. Om ett sannolikt fund of kambrisk lera i Viborgs lдn//Fennia. -1902, № 3.
- Rankama T. The Colonisation of Northernmost Finnish Lapland and the Inland Areas of Finnmark//Mesolithic on the Move. -Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2003. -Р. 37-46.
- Sandmo A.-K. En gang for lenge, lenge siden i Simavik//Ottar. -1996, № 4. -P 14-17.
- Schanchc K. Boplasser og strandlinjeforskyving i Ceavccageadge/Mortensnes i Varanger//Ottar. -1996, № 4. -Р. 34-37.
- Shumkin V.Y. On the Ethnogenesis of the Sami: An Archaeological View//Acta Borealia. -1990, № 2. -P. 3-20.
- Svendsen J.I. Alexanderson H., Astakhov V.I., Demidov I, Dowdeswell J.A., Funder S., Gataullin V. et al. Late Quaternary ice sheet history of northern Eurasia//Quaternary Science Reviews. -2004, № 23. -P. 1229-1271.
- Takala H. The Ristola Site in Lahti and the Earliest Postglacial Settlement of South Finland. -Jyvaskyla, 2004.
- Thommessen T. The Early Settlement of Northern Norway // The Earliest Settlement of Scandinavia and its relationship with neighbouring areas / Ed. L. Larsson // Acta Archaeologica Lundensia. Series in 8''. - 1996, № 24. - 235-240.
- Zvelbel M. Innovating hunter-gatherers: the Mesolithic of the Baltic//Mesolithic Europe/Eds. G. Bailey, P. Spikins. -Cambridge University, 2008. -P. 18-59.