Calculation of 3D shape of a hyperelastic body for nonlinear elasticity models using the Newton method

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This article discusses methods for calculating the deformations of objects with hyperelastic materials within the framework of the nonlinear elasticity theory. This topic is relevant due to the use of new technological materials in industry, and as a result, the emerging task of preliminary numerical calculations for operational reliability, research and modeling of deformation behavior. The first part provides a brief overview of the main provisions and formulas of the nonlinear elasticity theory. Then the spatial discretization of 3-dimensional objects and the calculation of the deformation gradient using the finite element method are considered. The article provides an algorithm for solving this problem, such as minimizing the functional of stored energy, and also considers the class of permissible deformations. Afterwards, a detailed description is given, along with pseudocode, of the method of implementing and calculating the minimization by Newton’s method. The last part demonstrates an example of the calculations performed, based on the developed software that allows for numerical experiments and computer modeling of deformations of hyperelastic bodies, and one of the capabilities of which is to perform these calculations using Newton’s method.


Nonlinear elasticity theory, stored energy functional, deformation gradient, newton’s method, hyperelastic body

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149146886   |   DOI: 10.15688/mpcm.jvolsu.2024.2.7

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