Double-circuit line of 35 kV feeder emergency operation calculation

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In distributive networks of 35 kV the problem of calculation of emergency operation, and also the problem of definition of the kind and place of emergency operation is actual. At calculation of emergency operations two methods are generally applied: the method of three symmetric compo-nents and the method of phase coordinates. In the networks of the class of 110 kV and above at calculation of emergency operation the method of phase coordinates is already widely used. In dis-tributive electric networks of 6-10-35 kV this method is seldom applied. This work is the con-tinuation of the researches which were conducted on the chair of information technologies in FSBEE HE “Kostroma agricultural academy”. In the previ-ous works both methods of calculation of emer-gency operation were presented, and the meth-ods of definition of their kind and place in distribu-tive electric networks. So, for example, it is shown that it is possible to carry out the definition of the kind and place of emergency operation in sizes of the induced tension on the special antennas lo-cated under power line phases. These researches were executed for one-chain lines of networks 10 and 35 of kV. However, the feeder of 35 kV often contains a two-chain line. For carrying out re-searches at first it is necessary to have the meth-od of calculation of emergency operation of the feeder of 35 kV with a two-chain line in phase coordinates which is presented in this study. Ma-trix expressions for tension and currents in all points of the feeder depending on parameters of the site of a feeder and known tension at the be-ginning were received. The settlement scheme of the feeder contained the feeding transformer with connection of windings "a star - a triangle"; the first site of a two-chain line; the second site of a two-chain line; the asymmetry block modeling emergency operation; the third site of a two-chain line; the first consumer transformer; the second consumer transformer; loading at the end of the first chain; loading at the end of the second chain. The developed technique can be used both in calculation of emergency operation, and in the solution of the problem of definition of the kind and place of emergency operation in distributive electric networks.


Emergency operation, a feeder of 35 kv, a two-chain line, settlement scheme, phase coordinates, a place and type of the mode, induced tension

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IDR: 14084546

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