The difference in the education system as a factor influencing the motivation to study among students from abroad

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The article is devoted to the problem of motivation to study with international students in the context of a new educational system. The issues of motivation to study remain relevant among students to this day. The Russian education system for international students of the CIS countries is most often not a significant obstacle in the educational process due to the similarity with the education system of their native country and the absence of a language barrier. Unfortunately, the opposite situation is developing with students from foreign countries. The higher education system of Zambia, Ghana, the Philippines and Russia differs in the conditions, methodology and organization of the educational process, which causes students difficulties in the linguistic and social spheres. The existing literature on the motivation of international students who decide to study in Russia is minimal. To fill this gap, this study uses the results of interviews with international students to find out the difference in the education system and how this difference influences motivation to study in Russia.


Motivation, international students, education system, factors

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IDR: 170205680   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-3-219-224

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