The development of classification of functional food ingredients of plant origin

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For the last decades the demand for functional food ingredients has steady positive dynamics caused by a number of factors: first, the extending tendency of healthy food, secondly, the emergence of new, so-called, pure additives and ingredients, and, thirdly, the aspiration of manufacturers of food to "a pure label". According to the opinion of spe-cialists of various branches of food industry, manu-facturers of a number of food products, including functional, have difficulties in the choice of food additives and ingredients caused by their specific variety which outlined the purpose of this work. To-day in the market enough functional food ingredi-ents which systematization will be able to guaran-tee the completeness of coverage of ingredients and their properties is offered, and also will pro-mote an assessment of contribution of both one, and several functional food ingredients to functional orientation of foodstuff with the assessment of the mechanism of their interaction. For justification of food ingredients using of phytogenesis when de-veloping compoundings of functional food ap-proaches to systematization of functional food in-gredients that allowed to develop their generalized classification taking into account a number of clas-sification signs were considered: functional pur-pose, receiving source, specifics of chemical com-position of vegetable raw materials, the scope in various branches of food industry and technological appointment.. It is shown that generalized classifi-cation of functional food ingredients is universal, since, on the one hand, it is a complete system, but at the same time, allows the introduction of new types and classes of food ingredients, having con-firmed the effect on one or more physiological func-tions of the organism without disrupting the overall integrity of the classification structure.


Functional food ingredient, classification, classification criterion

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IDR: 140224291

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