The development of the schematic diagram of the crusher with rolls in the form of PK- profile

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The results of research of possibility of increase of intensity and reliability of process of crushing due to the performance of working elements - rolls in the form of the PK-profile are presented in the study. Advantages and shortcomings of the main types of grinders, their kinematic-geometric charac-teristics, the principles of their work are considered. In the grinder with rolls in the form of the PK-profile when moving crushed material at least in two coor-dinates the additional effect of rolling thanks to what efficiency of crushing increases is realized, the probability of jamming of large pieces of materi-al in a slot-hole gap significantly decreases. The system of forces realized in a crushing zone be-tween rolls in the form of PK-profiles is sign-variable, cyclic in size and the direction of forces that allows increasing the intensity of crushing. Be-sides, due to features of kinematics of two rolls there is a combination of various mechanisms of destruction of material: compression, stretchings, attritions, shock influence, continuous change of the direction of the crushing forces. At the expense of the smaller area of section of the PK-profile (un-like a cylindrical profile) the necessary torque of the electric drive of a crusher decreases and the in-crease in specific load of the crushed material is at the same time is provided. Due to application of rolls in the form of the PK-profile shock loads of basic knots and transmission gears decrease, the new system of forces allowing increasing intensity of crushing is realized, the costs of production of a crusher decrease. The change of the intense de-formed condition of material in a crushing zone be-tween rolls in the form of the PK-profile, the realiza-tion of sign-variable, cyclic system of forces, and as result, joint influence of various mechanisms of de-struction of material intensity and efficiency of crushing allow to raise that, in turn, provides the improvement of technical and economic indicators of the device and all process of a production cycle of crushing.


Crusher, grinder, rolls, the intensity of crushing, pk-profile

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IDR: 140224240

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