Development of a probiotic fermented dairy product with antioxidant orientation

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Against the background of rapidly developing food markets and the growing demand of the population for new types of products, there is a need to expand the range of new types and improve quality indicators. The main means of achieving these goals is to improve the efficiency and quality of scientific research, as well as the integration of scientific achievements in industry. The latter will make adjustments to accelerate the development of effective technologies of fermented dairy products. Dairy products, in particular fermented dairy products, contain substances (vitamins B and C, enzymes, etc.) and “live” microflora, which are easily digested by the gastrointestinal tract of the human body. The above are the reasons for the dietary properties of fermented dairy products. Information about the importance of including antioxidants in the diet to prevent the development of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system of the human body, as well as for the prevention of oxidative stress, lead to the expediency of enrichment of fermented dairy products with them. The main source of antioxidants for humans and animals are plants, in which they can make up to 10% of the dry weight. The use of antioxidant additives or preparations can contribute to the elimination of existing free radicals and the formation of new ones. Antioxidant additives include grape products, in particular grape seed extracts of Vitis Vinifera species. The paper presents the results of the study of the influence of antioxidant component (dry extract of grape seeds of Vitis Vinifera) on the relative biological value (RBV) of probiotic fermented dairy product on the biological model of T. pyriformis. Mathematical processing of the data was carried out according to the results of the research.


Probiotic fermented dairy product, antioxidant component, tetrahymena pyriformis, relative biological value

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147243171   |   DOI: 10.14529/food240104

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