The development of recipes of sweet liqueurs with extract and juice from cloudberries fruit

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The purpose of this work was to develop recipe of sweet tinctures with using of extract and juice from wild-growing berries of the cloudberries grow-ing in Turukhansky territory of Krasnoyarsk region and to define indicators of quality of the received drinks. Cloudberries were the object of the re-search. Collecting raw materials was made in Turukhansky territory of Krasnoyarsk region in the period of their technological maturity (August). 3 compoundings of sweet tinctures on the basis of cloudberries fruit were developed: Cloudberries im-perial, Cloudberries with mint, Cloudberries with a lemon, organoleptic and physical and chemical in-dicators of alcoholic beverage products meet the requirements of State Standard P 52192. "Alcoholic products. General specifications". The composition of the recipe of tincture were cloudberry juice, alcoholized infusion berries cloudberry, alcoholized infusion of peppermint, alcoholized infusion of lem- on zest, sugar syrup, citric acid (to adjust the acidity of 0.3 g / 100 ml), ethyl alcohol brand "Lux", water. The strength of drinks made 20 %, the contents (g/100 cm): the general extract was 26-28, sugar Was 25, and acids in terms of lemon acid were 0.44-0.60. Technological process of receiving tinc-tures is described. At the first stage components were prepared for a blend. Further after preparation of all components blends were made. After intro-duction of each ingredient the blend was mixed within 5 minutes. After hashing the blend was fil-tered on a filter press. After the filtration the tincture was spilled in the prepared glass container. The offered recipes will allow expanding the range of sweet tinctures, receiving the drink enriched with biologically active agents containing in cloudberries fruit.


Fruit, cloudberries, tincture, drink, recipe, organoleptic, physical and chemical indica-tors

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IDR: 14084728

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