Formulation and technology development for deer meat dumplings with the use of ferny powder

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This paper presents a developed formulation for deer meat dumplings with the addition of bracken powder, which will increase their nutritional value, improve taste and expand the range of meat products. A wide range of beef, pork, fish dumplings is widely presented in retail chains, but there are no such products using deer meat. In this regard, in the food industry there is a need to develop a new and expand the existing range of these products. The staple food of the northern peoples is reindeer meat, which makes up 60-70 % of the daily diet of northern people, which violates the principles and rules of healthy eating and leads to health problems. The deficiency of plant components in the food of northern peoples can be eliminated by the development of meat and vegetable food products based on deer meat, which will partially solve the problem of a balanced diet for the inhabitants of the Far North. In the laboratory of the Department of Canning Technologies and Food Biotechnology of the Institute of Food Production of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, control and three prototypes were made with the replacement of meat raw materials for fern powder: in the amount of 3 % - sample No. 1, 6 % - sample No. 2, 9 % - sample No. 3 (taking into account the dry matter of the replaced components). An organoleptic assessment of the control and experimental samples was carried out, during which such indicators of the quality of meat semi-finished products as appearance, color, smell (aroma), texture, taste and juiciness were assessed. The results obtained showed that the use of ferny powder in the amount of 6 % (sample No. 2) instead of raw meat allows to obtain a product with high organoleptic characteristics.


Dough semi-finished meat product, bracken, quality indicators, organoleptic assessment, ferny powder, formulation, technology, venison

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254812   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-6-194-199

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