The development based on the receipt of food technology of local fruit and berry raw materials and products of beekeeping

Автор: Belyaev A.A., Velichko N.A., Ivanova O.V., Yakotsuts I.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2017 года.

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One of the most effective solutions of the prob-lems of food of the person connected with a lack of vitamins is the development of new compoundings and technologies of juice production of functional orientation. In this regard there is a need of crea-tion of new types of production from animal and vegetable raw materials with the use of local raw material resources. The objects of researches were fruits of small-fruited apples Ural bulk and Vospitannitsa, sea-buckthorn berries Chuya, picked in Emelyanovsky Area of Krasnoyarsk Region, honey of motley grass. In the study physical and chemical and microbiological methods of research-es were used according to the requirements of the Technical regulations and state standard specifica-tion for this type of production. The compounding and technology of receiving the blended juice of functional orientation on the basis of fruit and berry raw materials of Krasnoyarsk Region and produc-tion of beekeeping has been developed. The exper-imental sample of a new type of product, apple and sea-buckthorn juice with honey addition was re-ceived. The quality indicators of the developed product, i.e. organoleptic, physical and chemical and microbiological were defined. The best organo-leptic indicators were established for the sample containing: juice of small-fruited apples - 375 ml; honey - 12.5; sea-buckthorn syrup - 25; waters - 87.5 ml. The results of physical and chemical tests showed that the content of soluble solids in blend-ed juice made 14.90 %, sugars - 40.90 %, titrable acids in terms of apple acid - 0.47 %. Mesophilic clostridia, spore-forming mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms of the group of nonspore microorganisms, mold fungi, yeast in the samples of blended juice wwere not detected. The indicators of industrial sterility of the sample complies with the technical regulations for juice products TR CU 023/2011.


Small-fruited apples, honey, sea buckthorn, syrup, functional products, juice blend

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