Development using a molecular peptidetransplantation of a potential neuroprotective biopeptide

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The present research is focused on design of new nutritional neuroprotective biopeptide, using method of molecular peptide transplantation (MPT) based on analysis of literature sources, databases on biophysical properties and biological activity of peptides. The objects of the research are sequences of amino acid residues of peptides with proven neuroprotective properties. Prediction of biological activity of the developed biopeptide was carried out using the Peptide Ranker database ( Information on cyclic peptides frameworks that are resistant to proteolysis was obtained in the Cybase database (, biopeptide identification was carried out using the EROP-Moscow database (, biophysical properties assessment of the developed biopeptide was carried out using the PepCalc peptide properties calculator ( and APD 3 databases ( A neuro-protective interfering peptide has been developed by preliminary preparation of a cyclotide-based framework followed by insertion of short HFRWPGP peptide into the framework by the MPT method. The developed peptide has the following sequence of amino acid residues: PCRRRCHFRWPGPCRGRCP, has high biological activity equal to 0.89. The hydrophobicity of the peptide according to Wimley-White in the whole residue is 2.91, therefore, the peptide is well soluble in water. The protein binding potential (Boman index) is high and is 4.3 kcal / mol, indicating its ability to bind to target receptors.


Neuroprotective properties, peptides, amino acid sequence, hydrophobicity, molecular peptide transplantation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240224   |   DOI: 10.53980/24131997_2024_1_53

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