Technology development of baked products enriched with unconventional types of flour

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The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of technological factors on the formation of consumer properties of bakery products enriched with non-traditional types of flour. The objects of the study were control and experimental samples of the “Stolichnaya” bun, as well as the following types of raw materials: 1st grade bakery wheat flour, flaxseed and hemp flour, grape seed flour. Formulations were developed, including flour mixtures from the proposed types of flour in different ratios, and the total amount of non-traditional types of flour varied from 20 to 30 %. The analysis of organoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators, as well as the microbiological assessment of the samples, was carried out according to standard methods. The calculation of the nutritional value of products was carried out using the Excel program, taking into account the reference data on the content of nutrients in certain types of raw materials. It was proved that flour mixtures containing a total of 25 % of flax and hemp flour had the highest water-absorbing capacity and the lowest moisture content. In the study of the organoleptic properties of bakery products, it was found that samples with the addition of non-traditional types of flour were characterized by a specific color, taste and aroma that did not worsen the general consumer assessment. In terms of physicochemical (moisture, acidity, porosity) and microbiological indicators, the experimental samples met the requirements of regulatory documents. A significant content of protein, dietary fiber, mineral components (Mg, Ca, K, Fe, P) and vitamins (B2, B6, E, C) in bakery products has been proven, including in the recipe a total of 20–30 % of flaxseed, hemp flour and flour grape seeds, these products can be classified as fortified foods.


Bakery products, hemp flour, flaxseed flour, grape seed flour, nutritional value.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254601   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-8-154-161

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