The development of technology and evaluation of quality indicators of flour confectionery of functional purpose

Автор: Skripko O.V., Litvinenko O.V., Pokotilo O.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2016 года.

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The foodstuffs of functional purpose, including confectionery products, are currently the most pop-ular objects of innovative developments. For their saturation with valuable physiological ingredients various kinds of non-traditional plant raw material are used. The article presents the results of scien-tific research on the development of healthy nutri-tion in the form of short dough cookie with adding of combined flour from soy and ginger or soy and citrus peel. The research was conducted in the la-boratory of technology for processing of agricultural products of FSBSI All-Russian SRI of Soybean (the Amur region). The technology and formulation of new kind of short dough cookie have been devel-oped, mathematical models for organoleptic eval-uation of confectionery products, on the basis of which optimal conditions for their preparing are de-termined, the number of additives of soy-ginger or soy-citrus flour have been obtained: 29.3-29.8 %, the duration of dough kneading is 31-32 minutes and duration of dough maturing is 62-65 minutes, organoleptic evaluation is 96-98 points when re-specting the set parameters of technology. Com-parative evaluation of chemical composition of cookies, prepared according to the developed and traditional technology, confirms that protein content in the developed products increases by 60 %, min-erals - by 43 %, vitamin C - by 9.2-16.6 %, while carbohydrate content decreases by 11 % concur-rently with the increase in dietary fibers by 2 g per 100 g of the product. The results of tasting as-sessment of the developed cookie show an im-provement of the main quality indicators compared to analogue. The developed technology will allow expanding the range of products of mass consump-tion of functional purpose with high nutritive and biological value, as well as with improved organo-leptic characteristics.


Short dough cookie, soy-ginger flour, soy-citrus flour, functional products, technology

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IDR: 14084761

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