Dessert paste producing technology development with the use of soy and honeysuckle berries

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The purpose of the study is to develop a technology for the production of dessert soybean paste. Objectives: to substantiate the possibility of using honeysuckle fruits in the technology of making dessert pastes from soy raw materials; to develop a technology for dessert soybean-berry paste; to conduct an organoleptic assessment of pasta samples with different variants of the soy milk composition: berry puree; to assess the nutritional value of the developed product. Research objects - soy milk (GOST R 58449), obtained from soybean grain of the Zhuravushka variety (Patent No. 9842 dated 18.10.2018, GOST 17109, TR TS 015/2011); a variety mixture of fresh honeysuckle berries grown in the conditions of the Amur Region (GOST R 58012); variants of the dessert soybean paste composition with various ratios of soy milk and berry puree: 4:1; 3:1; 2:1, respectively The study was carried out in the laboratory for processing agricultural products of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FRC of All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans in Blagoveshchensk, the Amur Region. The technology for the production of dessert paste consisted in obtaining a protein-berry curd by thermoacid coagulation of soy milk with the introduction of an acidic berry puree mass into it. To establish the best ratio of soy and berry raw materials in the formulation of the product being developed, the composition options were selected - soy milk: berry puree (2:1; 3:1; 4:1). The coagulation process in all samples proceeded rather quickly with the formation of a protein clot in the form of small flakes. At the same time, due to the anthocyanin pigments of honeysuckle, the clot was stained in a raspberry-violet color of varying intensity. According to the results of the comparative assessment, the 3:1 composition was recognized as the best. This ratio of components makes it possible to get a product of a pleasant, pronounced raspberry-purple color, with a homogeneous, delicate pasty consistency; full, harmonious, moderately sour-sweet taste and moderately pronounced aftertaste of honeysuckle. The content of physiologically functional ingredients in the developed dessert soy-berry paste: vitamins (C, B1, K, biotin) and minerals (Mg, K and Fe) makes it a functional product.


Soy milk, honeysuckle, technology, soy berry paste, organoleptic assessment, nutritional value

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IDR: 140293556

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