The development of production technology of functional drink based on milk whey

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The purpose of the research was to develop the technology of the production of a new functional drink based on the whey with the addition of the concentrate of medicinal plant Rhodiola rosea L. The following research tasks were to work out the process and the scheme for the production of a whey drink enriched with Rhodiola rosea L. concentrate; to develop the ingredient composition of functional whey drink; to find out organoleptic and physical and chemical quality indicators of prepared drink. The object of the study was milk whey (State Standard R 53438-2009). For the production of functional drink the following ingredients were used: milk whey (according to State Standard R 53438-2009), drinking water - State Standard R 51232-98, apple juice - State Standard R 29186-9, sugar - State Standard R 33222-2015, apple pectin - State Standard R 29186-9, Rhodiola rosea concentrate, citric acid - State Standard R 908-2004. The definition of the quality indicators of new functional food product was made in accordance with State Standard 33957-2016. In the course of the research the technology of making a new functional nutrition - a whey drink enriched with Rhodiola rosea concentrate (Rhodiola rosea L.) was developed. The formulation of a new functional drink consisted of milk whey, apple juice, sugar, apple pectin, Rhodiola rosea concentrate, citric acid drinking water. The paper described the process and schematic technology of producing a functional drink. Liquid and dry prescription components meeting the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation were delivered to the container with mixing device for preparing liquid mixture and to screw mixer for preparing dry mixture. The resulting mixtures of liquid and dry ingredients were combined in the tank and thoroughly mixed for 20 minutes. Finished recipe mixture was sent to pasteurization at the temperature of 80-85 °C with the exposure of 15-18 seconds. Pasteurized mixture was homogenized at the temperature of 59-62 °C. The resulting drink was cooled to the temperature of 9-11 °C and sent to bottling line. The storage of finished product was carried out at the temperature of 4 °C. Developed functional drink based on whey, enriched with medicinal plant concentrate, allows expanding the range of functional dairy products.


Родиола розовая (rhodiola rosea l.), functional food, milk whey, rhodiola rosea (rhodiola rosea l.)

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250700   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-8-144-152

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