Development of kvass production technology with the addition of sorghum flour and carrot juice

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Kvas is the most popular soft drink in Russia. Modern production of kvass is characterized by a variety of raw materials used. The use of new raw materials allows to obtain a product of functional purpose for certain categories of people with a variety of immunological disorders and can be used for the prevention of various diseases. In this work the possibility of kvass preparation with the addition of sorghum flour and carrot juice as non-traditional raw materials is investigated. The results show that kvass with the addition of sorghum flour and carrot juice, has high quality indicators and is not inferior to the traditional technology of kvass production using rye flour.


Kvass technology, carrot juice, rye flour, sorghum flour, quality indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204832   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-1-185-187

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