Snack technology development using vegetable raw materials

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The purpose of this work is to study the prospects for the use of dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) with the addition of native flour obtained from the seeds of Fiber flax varieties Antey. Objectives: to compose a composite mixture of premium flour and 15% flour from Antey flax seeds; to carry out a comparative analysis of the physical and chemical parameters of the premium flour and flour from the seeds of fiber flax varieties Antey; to develop a technology for obtaining useful snacks using raw materials of plant origin. The experimental product for increasing fortification and nutritional value is based on dried fruits of dried apricots and prunes, to which wheat flour of the highest grade is added with 15% of a composite mixture of freshly ground flaxseed flour Antey. When developing a new technology, a comparative characteristic of the chemical composition of premium wheat flour and native flour (freshly ground) from the Antey variety of fiber flax seeds was carried out. Analysis to determine the chemical composition of the flour was carried out by the method of near infrared spectroscopy in the educational and scientific center for collective use "Service laboratory for complex analysis of chemical compounds." The technology of healthy snacks was developed, which are based on dried fruits with the addition of mixed wheat flour of the highest grade and 15% freshly ground flaxseed flour. A new snack product has been obtained with an optimal amount of the proposed recipe ingredients, which has a low calorie content, high organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties, physical and chemical indicators, and a balanced nutritional value. As a result of research carried out by the scientists of the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy, a new product was created - an energy product composition "Frutolen", a patent for an invention was obtained.


Snacks, technologies, native flour, seeds, fiber flax, dry fruits

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140290582   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-12-275-281

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