The development of universal press for producing vegetable oil

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The purpose of the researches was the development of technology of two-stage pressing of small seed vegetable raw materials and the development of a universal press for the performance of technological processes of two-stage pressing. The object of the research was the development of technology of two-stage cold pressing with using universal press for stage-by-stage pressing of seeds and oil cake for the production of vegetable oil and oil cakes. The processing of experimental data was made by statistical methods. The justification of the development of a new design of oil press was based on studying technological level of serially let out press in modern production, and also executed patent researches on Russian and foreign information bases which allowed creating general principles shown to further modernization oil-press equipment, and also to pick up analog and a prototype for the development of scientific and technical documentation and registration of the demand for the invention...


Oilseed small-seed raw materials, hydraulic press, vegetable oil, technological process, patent research, patent of the russian federation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140245590   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-119-126

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