Development of the state cadastral valuation of real estate as the basis for the regulation of land and property relations in Russia

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The authors analyze the stages of development of the cadastral valuation of real estate in Russia and abroad. They identify problems that hinder the development of this area in our country, and to eliminate them, they propose the following: 1) federal legislation should establish standards for aggregated indicators of the cadastral value of land plots and other real estate objects with the possibility of their differentiation at the local level in a limited range; 2) the work of regional state budgetary institutions on cadastral valuation should be focused on monitoring the real estate market in order to calculate the indices of this market for various segments.


Cadastral and market value of real estate, international experience in real estate valuation for tax purposes, stages of development of the state cadastral valuation in Russia

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IDR: 170201841   |   DOI: 10.24412/2072-4098-2023-7262-9-18

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