Development of aesthetic views of students through the discipline of stage culture

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Statement of the problem. The article analyzes and formulates the basics of work on the development of aesthetic views of students in the process of studying the discipline of “Stage Culture” at the university. Among them, there is a problem caused by the insufficient cultural outlook of future university teachers and searches of ways to solve it. The purpose of the article is a scientific, theoretical and practical study of the process of aesthetic education of students and the expansion of their cultural horizons in acting classes in a theater studio as part of training in the specialty “Stage Culture” at the Russian State Social University. The research methodology consists of analysis and generalization of scientific research works by foreign and Russian scientists recognized by the scientific community, and an experimental method within the framework of drama training in the discipline of “Stage Culture”. Research results. On the basis of activity-based and contextual approaches, the basic requirements are formulated for arranging classes in a student theater studio in the context of teaching the discipline “Stage Culture” aimed at the aesthetic development of students and the expansion of their cultural horizons. For the purpose of aesthetic development of students, we have developed a system of theatrical sketches based on the materials of the most famous paintings presented in the Tretyakov Gallery.


Aesthetic development, stage culture, higher education, theater studio, theatrical sketches

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IDR: 144162914

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