Development of communicative competences of students-choreographers within the framework of the optional program "Oriental folk dance"

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This article is devoted to the study of development of students-choreographers’ communicative competences. It substantiates the thesis that the full-fledged preparation of future choreographer teachers requires competent development of their communicative competencies, which will help to ensure the continuity of generations, preserve and multiply the national values of culture and art, develop pedagogical skills and train qualified specialists in higher education institutions of culture. In the article the optional program “Oriental Folk Dance” is indicated as an educational method for the communicative competences’ development of students-choreographers. The author of the article describes its advantages, methods and content. The author is convinced that the development of oriental folk dance will help future teachers-choreographers not only to develop their communication competence, but also broadcast them to the younger generation.


Communicative competence, modern choreography, students-choreographers, oriental folk dance

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IDR: 144160783

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