Development of professional consciousness as condition of preservation of psychological health of the expert of welfare activity

Бесплатный доступ

The author analyzes process of formation of professional consciousness of future expert of welfare activity in higher education institution, influence of its components on preservation and strengthening of psychological health, discloses specifics of development of professional consciousness in the course of training. The professional consciousness is considered as the special internal activity having the product - the Self-Concept. Is emphasized the special role of professional motivation in formation of professional consciousness. The author considers the training conditions in higher education institution of culture which are directed to formation of professional consciousness of the expert of welfare activity: the organization of the educational activity directed to self-knowledge, a self-assessment and self-control, use of educational and creative tasks, creation of situations of success in educational activity, etc. In article are analyzed some the difficulties accompanying process of formation of professional consciousness of future expert in higher education institution among which there is infantilization of young people,commercial nature of the social relations, simplification of content of consciousness under the influence of modern mass culture, etc. Value of individual professional experience of the personality in formation of her professional consciousness is emphasized.


Professional self-awareness, psychological health, self-concept, self regulation, social and cultural activities, self cognition, self evaluation

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IDR: 144160543

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