Development of modern education in categories of professional pedagogics

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With the educational paradigm change in Russia there is a number of contradictions involving the solution in the aspect of modern education development. In the article the attention is focused on one of the contradictions which have arisen between the purpose (modernization of education) and means (reforming) that has demanded specification of their essence in a categorical framework of professional pedagogics. The attention is paid to static laws of pedagogics which reflect not only positive results of changes which are in process in pedagogical systems but also confirm innovation paradoxes. It is approved that the complexity of changes which are in process has caused the need for pedagogical problems' research in three areas: psychology and pedagogical resistance of students; development of individual educational trajectories; monitoring of training and education quality. At the same time the need of current problems' solution based on universal methodology in order to compare the results of researches is noted. As an example within a complex theme “Professional and pedagogical activity: innovations in development of experts' training quality assurance system” reveal the methodological bases of educational program specialization graduates productive characteristics definition on the basis of structures' principle identification. The representativeness of the received scientific results is provided by a support on culturological, process, competence-based approaches, statistically significant selection (students - future psychologists, teachers, lawyers, social workers, translators, economists). As a result of experimental work summarized profile of a university graduate is presented. This graduate is ready to adapt successfully to specifics of the professional environment.


Education development, modernization, reforming, service industry, mental sphere, innovation, humanitarian approach, education quality, summarized profile of a university graduate

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ID: 148312780
