Creative, scientific and educational fulfillment of college students in the literary and theatrical circle “Vdokhnovenie”

Автор: Cherkunova Evgeniya Viktorovna, Pinayeva Dariya Alekseyevna

Журнал: Интеграция образования @edumag-mrsu

Рубрика: Педагогическое образование

Статья в выпуске: 1 (78), 2015 года.

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This article is devoted to the realization of creative and research potential of students in the work of literature study group. Today this approach is especially actual as most of universities pay attention to the narrow specialization and thus they don’t allow to nd out students’ talents. Our literature study group combines different activities and methods (including method of projects), teaches to work individually and in the team, instills the skills of competent speech and develops esthetic taste. All this will become the perfect base for the future professional activity of the specialists. The special attention in the work of our study group we paid to the independent students’ activities (preparation of posters, excursions, presentations, events etc) as we want to increase their motivation and include into the world of literature. Today such types of work are especially actual, as students pay less attention to the proper reading, that is very important, as this knowledge and erudition will help them in future to become independent and competent people, real members of society. But except instilling literature knowledge we also develop in students’ skills of so-cializing in the group work, bear responsibility for organization of events, abilities to take decisions and show leader and creative features. To sum up, we can conclude that students’ participation in the work of our literature-dramatic study group will help to reveal their talents and abilities at full sense, foster their studies and become the basement of their professional and cultural activity in future


Activity approach, literature taste, research-project activity, realization of potential, process of cognition, creative approach, literature creative work, events

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147137084   |   DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.131

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