Reflexive dialogue communication in the musical and pedagogical educational process

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The purpose of this article was to reveal the specifics of the reflexive-Dialogic nature of the musical-pedagogical educational process. The main theme is the role of readiness of the teacher and the student to comprehend dialogically the artistic and cultural content of a musical work through the prism of knowledge of various fields of culture, psychology and pedagogy. The methodology of the work is to search for theoretical directions of research related to improving the training of graduates of performing arts universities, as well as the future teacher-musician. The results of the work reflect the identified abilities, which are psychological and personal characteristics of the personality of the future teacher as a teacher and musician, allowing to create a musical image that initially exists only in an ideal world, which allows the listener to create, in turn, his artistic object, providing emotional and sensual dialogue of all participants in the creative process. The field of application of the results of the study is the process of preparing a teacher-musician-performer, ready not only for reflective dialogue with the listener, but also in the process of dialogical interaction able to teach his future student the necessary techniques of creating a musical image. Conclusion. Music pedagogy is essentially focused on reflexive actions for the artistic development and transfer of the content level of a musical work and, accordingly, in the form of implementation is tied to reflexive-Dialogic interaction, communication. A necessary condition is the unification of the external and internal dialogues of the teacher and the student, i.e. their joint Dialogic-reflexive co-creation. In the musical and pedagogical process, this form and means of organizing the development of musical culture in its content has a number of features that are predetermined by the specifics of musical art on the one hand, the structure of the artistic and pedagogical process on the other.


Musical-pedagogical process, reflexive-dialogic communication, musical art

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