Regional innovative platforms in the sphere of education of the Samara region: algorithmization of evaluation procedures

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The article presents a methodical overview of the implementation of the competition among educational institutions of the Samara region for obtaining the status of a regional innovation platform in the field of education is analytical material, summarizing the results of activity of the Samara regional Institute for advanced training and retraining of workers of education in the period from 2015 to the present. The stage of competitive selection is considered as the main mechanism of identification, support and dissemination of innovations, providing including the legitimization of innovative projects/programs and groups in the public space, their motivation and a special status of leaders in education. The author reveals some aspects of the organization and methodological support of this competition; highlights the main directions of innovative activity of educational organizations in our region. Special attention is paid to the algorithmization of evaluation procedures submitted to the competition of innovative projects / programs in the field of education. Conclusion : one of the important issues is the quality of innovation assessment, order and effective mechanism of data collection. Samara region passes its way of development and formation in the field of educational innovation, analyzing and summarizing the results of the implementation of successfully completed its activities, and currently operating regional innovative platforms in the field of education.


Pedagogical innovation, regional innovation platform, innovative project, project management, algorithmization of evaluation procedures, quality of innovation evaluation

Короткий адрес:

ID: 148314315
