Religion and the Soviet intelligentsia: culture and post-secularism

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In the Soviet period secularization processes had formed a culture of the immanency. Nevertheless a request for spiritual, religious elements of the life world existed among the intelligentsia as well. Consideration of this is necessary while describing cultural phenomena, as well as in religious studies, sociological and historical research works. In the publication, based on the collected empirical material, elements of future post-secularism in secular Soviet time are considered. The structures of the life world of our contemporaries are analyzed, based on the analysis of biographies. The decisive result of the return of religion into the life of society in Russia were the processes of desecularization.


Religion, secularization, culture, intelligentsia, post-secular society

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148312994   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-72-76-84

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