Representation of the concept exploit in religious and non-religious discurses

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The article is devoted to the concept EXPLOIT study in religious and non-religious discourses. This problem is relevant because in modern linguoconceptology the religious factor in the structure of the concept EXPLOIT receives little attention. The purpose of our research is to consider the lexical representation features of the concept EXPLOIT on the basis of contemporary texts of discourses that correspond to religious and non-religious (naive) worldviews. The author of the article suggests to make a differentiation between a dogmatic modification of the Orthodox worldview that includes the representations of the Moscow Patriarchate and a non-dogmatic one, with representations of parishioners and quotidian representations. In that case, a non-dogmatic variant of the religious worldview combines features of dogmatic and naive worldviews. The features of the lexical representation of the concept EXPLOIT in three context samples are considered: 1) the contexts that represent a dogmatic religious worldview, from the texts for Orthodox theological seminary; 2) the contexts that represent a non-dogmatic religious worldview, from the texts of popular Internet Orthodox forums; 3) the contexts that objectify the naive worldview, from publicistic, scientific, advertising and daily texts of the Russian National Corpus. The analysis showed relevant distinctions in the lexical representation of the concept in different discourses. Therefore, in the discourses that correspond to dogmatic and non-dogmatic religious worldviews and the naive one the concept EXPLOIT is represented by a different number of representatives: in the dogmatic variant of religious discourse the number of lexeme-representants is superlative. The representatives set is also different: only in the religious discourse the lexemes под вижник and подвижнический are frequency, and also the lexemes with gender female semes ( подвижница, сподвижница ), the verbal lexemes ( подвигнуть, сподвигнуть etc.) are associated primarily with naive discourse, the lexeme подвижничество is quite neutral and it's used both in the dogmatic variant of religious discourse and in naive discourse, and the lexeme Подвигополож ник is exclusively associated with a dogmatic religious worldview and reflects specific confessional representations. As a result of the study we can make a conclusion that the concept EXPLOIT has a complex structure and includes both the blocks associated exclusively with the religious worldview (sacred representations of Christ's atoning exploit, Orthodox asceticism and exploits of saints) and the blocks associated with the naive worldview (for example, the representations of heroic exploits, military feats, numerous desacralized representations).


Concept, religious worldview, religious discourse, linguoconceptology

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147219861   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2017-16-9-85-93

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