Retrospective analysis of annual training plans for highly qualified rowers kayaking and canoeing

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Relevance. The main task of modern education is to increase the level of physical fitness and improve the health of schoolchildren. Along with the control of physical education classes, it is necessary to carry out mandatory monitoring of the physical development of students. Currently, the problem of developing a new direction of large-scale testing in education, dedicated to monitoring the physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren and young athletes, is being discussed. The results of the study will be taken into account when building an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education. The purpose of the work: to study the level of physical development of boys and girls 6-10 years old in Krasnodar. Research methods: 525 schoolchildren of secondary educational institutions of Krasnodar 6-10 years old who are not involved in sports were examined. To assess the morphological characteristics, length, body weight, diameters of distal parts, body circumference, the size of skin and fat folds, the vital capacity of the lungs (GEL) were measured. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Functional indicators of the cardiovascular system were assessed by heart rate contractions (heart rate) and blood pressure (blood pressure system. Results of the study. A study of the level of physical development of boys and girls 6-10 years old in Krasnodar revealed the features of the formation of morphological and functional indicators of children 6-10 years old. When comparing with the results of studies 10 years ago, an increase in weight and growth indicators of modern children 6-10 years old in Krasnodar along with a decrease in the functional indicator of external respiration - GEL - was revealed. Conclusion. The identified features of morphofunctional and physiological indicators can be used in educational and sports and recreational institutions, serve as a scientific basis for the development of medical and pedagogical programs to strengthen the health of children. The inclusion of research materials in the educational process will increase the professional competence of students of biological faculties and universities of physical culture in the field of children's physiology of sports.


Monitoring of physical development, children 6-10 years old, boys, girls, the city of krasnodar, schoolchildren

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IDR: 142236427   |   DOI: 10.53742/1999-6799/3_2022_56_60

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