Energy efficiency reserves in granular technology feed using chlorella microalgae and sunflower oil fuza

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The feed rations of animals and poultry must contain compounds with biological activity, the deficiency of which is traditionally compensated for by the addition of premixes based on synthetic substances. Suspensions of microscopic algae, which are valuable additives for farm animals and poultry, contribute to better absorption of feed and increase the body's resistance to diseases, are a good prophylactic against vitamin deficiencies, increase weight gain, and increase egg production. Analysis of modern technologies for granulated feed using chlorella microalgae and sunflower oil fuses made it possible to identify untapped energy efficiency reserves and ensure their effective implementation through the use of an ammonia-water absorption refrigeration machine. It has been shown that an ammonia-water absorption refrigeration machine can radically reduce operating costs for industrial cooling of granulated feed through the use of an available alternative energy source, which is cheaper than the cost of connecting additional electrical power; ensures a more complete use of fuel and energy resources and increases the environmental safety of the technology, completely eliminating the release of waste energy into the environment.


Granulated feed, chlorella microalgae, autotrophic biosynthesis, energy efficient technology, refrigeration unit

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305672   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2024-1-22-30

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