The results of investigation of qualitative indicators of the process of infrared drying of tomatoes and storage time setting

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The technique of the evaluation of products for the purpose of their subsequent safe consumption in food is considered: medical and genetic, medical and biological and technological assessment. The work purpose was to establish the duration of periods of storage of toma-toes subject to infrared low-temperature drying through-out which the trade dress with guarantee of microbiolog-ical stability would remain. The tasks were to define organoleptic indicators and to investigate microbiologi-cal indicators of dried tomatoes. The prototype of infra-red drying installation of cylindrical type on which prepa-ration of dried product made for researches was pre-sented. The stages of carrying out experiments were described. The researches of microbiological indicators of three samples of dried tomatoes with different periods of storage were made in specialized institution special-ized institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Chelyabinsk Region". On the basis of the profilogram of tomatoes’ organoleptic assessment and according to the results of microbiological tests it was revealed that the period of storage of dried tomatoes of infrared drying stored in the conditions of lowered tempertatures should be considered less than 12 months.


Infrared drying, quality indicators, tomato, stor-age time

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224439

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