Sunflower rhizosphere (review)
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There is presented an analysis of literary sources on the following issues: the concept of rhizosphere and its boundaries; composition and role of root exudates, fungi and bacteria; peculiarities of biological activity of soil; specificity of its some chemical and physical properties in rhizosphere. It is shown that the rhizosphere soil significantly differs from the bulk soil by the majority of parameters characterizing both the composition of solid phase and solution and functioning of separate components of the soil system. Rhizosphere soil contains a large number and diversity of microorganisms. The presence of these various substances and microorganisms leads to significant changes in the cycles of chemical reactions, to intensification of carbon cycle, nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation and organic matter decomposition. In the rhizosphere of sunflower with the increase in the number of microflora, the yield of plants increased. Hybrids have the most effective and stable structure of microflora in the rhizosphere of sunflower, the least - lines have the least one, which is determined by genetic features of agropopulation and excretion of root exometabiotics, which determine the development and activity of trophic groups of microorganisms.
Rhizosphere, root exometabiotics, soil microflora, soil, microorganisms, sunflower
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 142243089 | DOI: 10.25230/2412-608X-2024-3-199-84-94