Roadmap from 4G to 6G in Smart Cities Impact and Challenges

Автор: Dipti Chauhan, Siddhi Sharma, Vishal Singh

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 6 Vol.13, 2023 года.

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The world is now turning towards automation also the use of virtual reality is expanding day by day, the need for faster and reliable communication has been increased. This technology will play a key role towards the development of Smart Cities, where government is majorly focusing. The urge of quicker and more secure communication (wireless) is making us switch towards the 6G or sixth generation communication. To the benefit of its citizens and businesses, a smart city is a location where the traditional networks and services have been enhanced via the use of digital and telecommunication technology. Infrastructure, social capital, which also includes traditional skills and community institutions, and digital technologies are all combined in smart cities to promote sustainable economic growth and provide a desirable environment for all residents. By 2035, the publisher believes that as smart city infrastructure develops, 6G will be a crucial component of communications, applications, content, and commerce in smart cities. We go over the progress of beyond 5G and advanced 5G features in order to forecast important 6G requirements and showcase 6G potential. In comparison to 5G, we will also discuss 6G scenarios, requirements, and technology components. There are lots of challenges associated with 5G’s wireless communication network one of them is limited data speed. We will also be focusing on these challenges associated with technology and also the plans to use this technology towards the development of smart cities. The 5G wireless communication network is currently facing the challenge of limited data speed and billions of data-intensive applications are used. To resolve this problem many developers and researchers are working on advanced technologies so that they can consummate the wireless service demands. So that we can shift ourselves from 5G to 6G and fulfil our expectations towards smart city. In addition, there are varied use cases of the wireless 6G technology in education, media and entertainment, tourism.


Smart City, Technological development, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G

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IDR: 15019238   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2023.06.05

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