The role of children's library in the development of the «Research in creative activity» of elementary school pupils

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The research in the creative activity of pupil-readers is defined as an activity, which is directed to the search and processing of information for the execution of scientific and creative work. The process of its development can be represented as a model, in which it is possible to single out four sheaves: the first sheaf consists of the characteristics of the reading culture; the second presents the work's cognitive components; the third sheaf reflects the pupil-reader's exponents of the creative activity; the fourth characterizes readiness for the informative work and it presents the essential components of the informative culture of the young reader. There are some library factors of development of «the research in creative activity»: knowledge of the reader's necessities, which appear in the process of the creative activities; a comparison of the library possibilities with the pupil's necessities; favourable informative surroundings which correspond to the interests of each group of the young readers; assistance to the pupil-readers in the clubs, circles, centers, which work with author's programmes; a wide demonstration of the results through the organization of competitions, tournaments, exhibitions; an instruction in skills of the informative search; new library-informative technologies, free access for the users to the native and world sources of information through the access to the Global Network.


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IDR: 14899856

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