Role of junior training in reducing the level of their criminal inclinations

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This article examines the impact of physical training on crime among juvenile convicts, namely, how physical activity, a set of physical exercises and much more can affect the behavior of juvenile convicts and, directly, contribute to their correction. Proper physical education of minor children is a powerful factor in preventing and deterring crime. The urgency of the need to involve adolescents in active sports is important in order to develop the values of physical education and improve the form and orientation of the promotion of physical education and sports in order to minimize juvenile delinquency.

Juvenile delinquency, physical fitness, physical condition, physical education, level of physical fitness, stages of crime prevention, the number of juvenile delinquency

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IDR: 148323330   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2021-23-80-29-32

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