The role of cultivation technology intensification in the gluten formation in the soft spring wheat grain

Автор: Keler V., Ovchinnikova T., Khizhnyak S., Ovsyankina S.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2024 года.

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The purpose of research is to determine the effect of pesticides, ammonium nitrate and the previous crop on the quantity and quality of gluten in the grain of zoned varieties of soft spring wheat in the forest-steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Region. The experiments were carried out in 2021-2023. The objects of the experiment are varieties of soft spring wheat approved for cultivation in the Krasnoyarsk Region. In the experiment, the herbicide Velocity Power was used together with the adjuvant BioPower, the drug Soligor was used against pathogens, and the insecticide Decis Expert was used against pests. Ammonium nitrate was added to the pre-sowing cultivation at a dose of 70 kg a.i. per hectare. The factors Predshestvennik, Udobrenie and Pesticidy had a statistically significant effect on the amount of raw gluten, with the maximum influence having the factor Udobrenie (influence strength indicator 47 %). The varieties Novosibirskaya 15, Novosibirskaya 16, Novosibirskaya 31, Novosibirskaya 41, Svirel, Kanskaya and Krasnoyarskaya 12, regardless of the background and the studied predecessors in the forest-steppe of the Krasnoyarsk Region, formed during the years of research the gluten quality required for the 1st class of wheat. In this case, the factors Udobrenie, Sort and Pesticidy had a statistically significant impact on the quality of gluten; the influence of the Udobrenie factor was 41 %. All studied varieties, against the background of a steam predecessor fertilized with ammonium nitrate, and a steam predecessor with a full complex of intensification, form a gluten amount of more than 32 %. The value of the indicator varies in this case from 32 % for the Novosibirskaya 15 variety to 46 % for the Novosibirskaya 29 variety.


Variety, wheat, flour quality, grain quality, bread quality, raw gluten, gluten quality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305308   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-73-80

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