Role of Kazakh scientists in the development of patriotic education

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Specics forming the patriotic feeling in younger generation of Kazakhstan on the basis of Ibrai Altynsarin and Abai Kunanbaev folk-lore writings is discussed. A brief review as well as ideological artistic personal touch and plot analysis of the writings studied in the article reveals key features of the educational potential of the Kazakh literature, emphasizes its inuence on education such qualities as love to Motherland, native land, patriotic self-consciousness and national pride in the young people. It is maintained that in the process of democratization and renovation of the contemporary society life of the great Kzakh scientists focused on the folk lore study that contains the specics of the people’s patriotic feeling specics is a spiritual and moral ideal of the younger generation, its civic and patriotic qualities


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142228847   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2017-9-4-146-151

Статья научная